
Ever since I learned to read
I’ve been reading comic books
And it seems that they impressed on me
More than I understood
The things we do are shades of grey
Not only bad and good
But we can’t ignore that message
I write this letter to you
In comic sans serif caps
To tell you that your policies are crap
I want to move to Gotham
Batman never killed a man by
Bringing justice to the night
And even Supes sometimes had trouble
Telling wrong from right
The X-men want equality
And for that they always fight
So why can’t we send that message?

I write this letter to you
In comic sans serif caps
To highlight on your moral handicaps
I want to move to Gotham

You may think that you’re better than me
In a higher social class
I know my views aren’t very popular
And you might even laugh
But at least I know I’m right
So you can kiss my ass
So why can’t you get that message?

I write this letter to you
In comic sans serif caps
To show the world you’re ethicly corrupt
I want to move to Gotham
Instead of re-electing you
I’d rather vote for guys like me

I like Bob Kane, Todd Mcfarlane,
Kevin Smith, and Stan Lee
With great power always comes great
So I hope you get my message
~Gotham, by Phoenix Saga

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October 20, 2005

That’s badass.

x3 Nice.

October 21, 2005

you never cease to amaze me.

October 22, 2005

I think I am in love….your such a badass. Smooch.