Hah! I stole this. you can’t have it.,

is your name? Fatty McFatfat?
are you wearing? Some weird grey slacks that aren’t really slacks, and a brownish grey shirt.  or maybe it a greyish brown.  it’s hard to tell with all that… not… grey or brown… color on it.  Oh and my lucky ring.
is your room like? kinda relfects my mind… clean only if I try.
is your education? like 3 years of college wasted.
is your shoe size? def-definitely… 10 ana half.  yeah.  k-mart sucks.

have a crush on someone? who don’t I have a crush on?  ok… probably not Kat, Uncle Kracker, or anyone in the Bush family… but Pootie Tang is MY bitch.
have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Fuck yall
think you are funny? well not at the moment but usually
hot? most likely.
dorky? definitively.
own a webcam? my webcam is halfway melted because I left my big halogen lamp on over it.
own a thong?  OW.  STOP IT.
habla espanol?  Yo no soy marinero.  Soy capitan.
like cleaning?  Only when I suddenly get in the mood to clean my room at 2:00AM
have any special skills?  I can breed sea monkeys, I can open almost any door with almost any amount of stuff in both my hands, and I can successfully mope.

stolen anything? only grenade print water balloons when I was like 5.  god those were fun.  oh and I’ve also stolen a varient of tape from different places.  they all deserved it.
smoke? no.
ever lied to someone?  I used to.  then I stopped.
been arrested? hah.  Almost.  funny story.  it’s in my diary somewhere.
cried during a movie?  La Bamba.

hugged: Online?  Blair.  in real life?  I can’t even remember.  most likely Kat because she won’t get off me.
talked to: Online: Blair, IRL: my parents.
had sex with: Trisha Storie
yelled at: do I yell?
laughed with: Joey and Jake

Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: If she was like the president on Battlestar Galactica hell yeah.
Have you had braces? No but I’ve talked to my dentist about those invisoline ones.
Do you pluck your eyebrows? nah.  someone else has plucked them before.  that was different.
Do you like hairy backs? only on animals.  are you an animal?
Do you dream in color or black and white?: Colour.  I was Willy Wonka.  How could that not be in colour?  (colour. i know because of the vivid dream when hannibal lecter was eating my toe.) Sara you need to tell me about this in greater detail.
Do you have any dimples? no not many.  meaning none, of course.
Do you remember being born? fuck you again
Are you tolerant of other people’s beliefs? … uh… people have other beliefs?
How many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet? If I had a closet there would be 4 pairs… in it.
Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?  I Have to wear the same shoes every day.  sort of.  well no not really.
Have you ever bungee jumped?  Nah.  what’s the point?  I’d rather fly a jet.

you got drunk for the first time?  Maybe 16.  maybe sooner I’m not sure.
smoked your first cigarette? probably 17.  well… I take that back.  it was a menthol and I’m not sure they’re the same thing.
smoked pot for the first time? 16ish
kissed someone? My first real full on liplock was when I was 17
made out with someone? 17.
lost your virginity? 19.

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September 26, 2005

so stealing this one!

September 26, 2005

your cute 2 and i stole this anyways