hunka hunka burnin love

me [1:26 AM]:  know what I realized the other day?
Blair [1:26 AM]:  M’hm.
me [1:26 AM]:  I want a girl who is like my truck…
Blair [1:26 AM]:  Huh?
Blair [1:26 AM]:  XD
me [1:26 AM]:  seriously!
Blair [1:27 AM]:  How is your truck?
me [1:28 AM]:  Low maintainence, but still needs a certain amount of attention… has great style and completely unique, and even if people don’t think they like people like her, everyone loves her when they meet her…
me [1:29 AM]:  she’s sturdy and strong enough to protect me, but she knows I know how to handle her… She’s as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside…
me [1:31 AM]:  I don’t put a lot of money into her but every now and then I buy a little present or something…. when something is wrong it’s always mechanical and it’s something I can plainly see and fix with my own two hands
me [1:31 AM]:  but sometimes a little time apart is all we need until things are like new.
me [1:32 AM]:  oh and she hates cold and wet weather, but she’s always start right up for me, and with a little company she warms right up again and makes happy purring sounds
Blair [1:35 AM]:  Heh, sounds like a pretty good person to have around. 
me [1:36 AM]:  I know doesn’t it?  I wish someone like that would just fall into my lap…
Blair [1:37 AM]:  A sky diver? XD
me [1:37 AM]:  XD
me [1:37 AM]:  pole vaulter maybe
me [1:37 AM]:  ninja
me [1:37 AM]:  high jumper.
Blair [1:37 AM]:  o: Yeah!
me [1:38 AM]: <fon

t lang=”0″ family=”SANSSERIF” ptsize=”8″ back=”#fefefe”> kangaroo
Blair [1:38 AM]:  lol! Kangeroo…
Blair [1:41 AM]:  Part of how you were talking about the truck/ girl made me laugh.
me [1:42 AM]:  oh?
Blair [1:42 AM]:  M’hm. >_> The fixing bit.
me [1:42 AM]:  XD
Blair [1:42 AM]:  XD Geee, Gish!
me [1:46 AM]:  ::pokepoke:: so you know anyone like that?
me [1:46 AM]:  😀
Blair [1:46 AM]:  Probably not. 
me [1:47 AM]:  I guess you like a little too far away for it to make much difference anyway
Blair [1:47 AM]:  XP
me [1:47 AM]:  ::hug
Blair [1:48 AM]:  *Hugs back.*
Blair [1:48 AM]:  What kind of truck do you have anyways? XD
me [1:52 AM]:  1965 Ford F100
me [1:52 AM]:  metallic blue
Blair [1:52 AM]:  Cool
me [1:53 AM]:  🙂

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August 27, 2005

Hehee..thats cute.

August 31, 2005

stopping by to say hello…

September 2, 2005

Sky diving ninja would be a kickass job o:

September 2, 2005

RYN: lmfao!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 yeah…i would have gone deeper, but then “dna” may have been left behind…

Didn’t know you like ’em so old. Signed: guess who.