The cash machines

Are tearin at my mind

The images

Are breaking away

I’ve been searching for the words

But the words are fleeting

I’ve been trying to understand

But my minds been screaming

I’m still alive, but I’m disconnected

I’m still here, broken

How wonderful

To nearly die today

To simply breathe

And emanate

It’s a feeling so sublime

With the headlights closing in

An eruption of emotion as it all begins again

I feel alive, but disconnected

I am still here, broken

And it’s all because of you

It’s all because of everything

It’s all because of you

It’s all because of me

It’s all because that I see

I am alive, and I thank you for it

I’ve been here, right here all along

I was born, just this very moment


~$TEXAS$, by Phoenix Saga

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Sean, you are not alone. I’m believing in you. You are ALWAYS in my mind and I like you so much. (S.I)