Bouncy house and margarita machine?! parrrtay!

And that’s exactly what we did.  today I had a party in my pants.  at my house really.  it really kicked ass muchly.    so here’s the deal.  big party at my house, thursday from 1 to 9 and beyond.  the bouncy house and the margatrita machine arrived the day before and we got to test it our and it was good.  also that day we got some of those new hulk gloves that are big foam hulk fists that make smashing sounds whenever you punch something.  actually we had the Hulk and the Thing gloves both.  man we played with those all day.  also we were finding ways of setting them up on Joe’s drumset so whenever he hit something it would make a smashing sound and say "It’s clobberin time!"  or "Hulk smash!".  I wanna use those in live shows.  that would be funny.  so today, Joe and Joey’s friend Ryan Cavo showed up first.  we call him Cavo just because.  I knew him for like 6 months before I ever knew his name was Ryan.  Anyway, Joe found our American Slang dictionary and started reading stuff off whiel we waited for other people.  our favorites were probably "bitch kitty" which is an extremely disagreeable or unlikeable person, and "muckey-muck" (also "monkey-monk") which is an extremely pompous or haughty individual.  and maybe ‘fuck a duck" too.  and who knew a monkey was a kilo of drugs?  ahhhhh, the silly things we learn.  next came Joey with Satomi, our Japanese friend, then came Matt and Holly with Caleb and Katie following them.  Finally after everyone else was here a little while Kat and Robin got here.  Now… Cavo runs a catering business and he was able to cater the whole party for free so we all ate barbecue and listened to Blind Melon.  We chatted and then it was time to see about margaritas.  we had strawberry flavored.  at first they were a little runny so we let them sit and went swimming in my pool.  well… I didn’t go in at first because it was fuckin bright and way too sunny.  I would have roasted like a son of a motherless goat.  we had boxing matched in the bouncy house with the hulk and thing gloves and we had margaritas with bacardi rum for flavor and a little extra kick.  we also had set aside some of the mix for virgin margaritas.  Satomi, Kat and Joe are all underaged and Joe doesn’t drink because he’s afraid he’ll develop a taste for it (I learned this today), and Kat can’t drink seeing as how she only has one kidney.  She could die.   so.  bouncy house, pool, margaritas, marco polo… dude we played marco polo when I got int he pool because the trees cast shade on the water for me.  I only got caught once, and whenever Joey got it I would start this really annoying laugh right next to him and dodge around.  heeeeheeeeheeeeeheeeeheee.  someone fell on the corner of the bouncy house and it flopped over on it sside convulsing and I observantly stated, hey!  it looks like it’s humping itself!  so *that’s* how they reproduce!  fun stuff.  eventually we got pruney enough that we got out of the pool and swtiched to lounging in the bouncy house drinking our perfect strawberry margaritas.  Then it kinda started raining so we had to clean up somewhat.  After that we talked lots and watched Finding Nemo.  Then we went to Gattiland for dinner and games.  man I throw cool parties.  Kat won enough tickets to buy robin a new mug because she had broken one of his mugs earlier.  it was cool.  after Gattiland it was basicly down to me Joey Joe Kat Robin and Satomi.  everyone else had left.  we Played BESM until 11:30 when I took Satomi home and we listened to my highschool band recordings.  jesus I forgot how much we rocked.  best in the state. 😀  At least while I was there.  I don’t brag about much, but I will absolutely brag about my high school band.  you should hear our tapes.  the applause are roaring and that’s from the strangers.  iiiinnihow.  that’s what happened today.

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July 8, 2005

i used up so much of my self-appointed half hour of internet time reading this entry. because iiiieeeiiii uh-will always looooove yooooouuuuuuuuuu.