
Weeeeeeeeeee won’t go until we get some

We won’t go until we get some

We won’t go until we get some

We want some right now

So bring us some fucking pudding

So bring us some fucking pudding

So bring us some fucking pudding

And bring it right now

That was fun.  Christmas kind of annoys me these days.  It’s so overbearing and obnoxious due to all the seasonal songs… I wish Channukah got so much attention.  And Kwanza.  and all those other ones.  And by seasonal songs I mean they’re so annoying and stupid, no one in their right mind would play them for the rest of the year.  Then there are the Christmas movies like Christmas with the Cranks… talk about creepy… I wouldn’t have much spirit if a bunch of cultists got mad at me for not conforming to what every other house on the block was doing.  besides.  People who are hypocrites and assholes the entire rest of the year pick one stupid day to do nice things for people, when I’d almost rather they be nice and constructive the other 364 days and be their normal retarded selves on december 25th.  that way I’d know not to go outside on that day because everyone would be doing stupid things.  but anyway.  They want to ban sales of certain video games in illinois.  yeah fuckin right.  Video games are a national pasttime and I grew up playing more video games than lots of kids.  I mean what video games did Charles Manson play?  Jack the Ripper?  Stalin?  Oh I’m sure they listened to rap and that’s the problem.  They must LOVE Marilyn Manson in Rowanda because they’re just killing everyone.  We have not seen an explosion of violence due to video games (in fact recent reports show that violent crime is down by about 2% nation wide except for rape) and we never have.  The only difference is that instead of blaming communism we’re blaming entertainment.  Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out was a horrifying game based on real life situations where men would pummel eachother into unconsiousness with their fists!  Yeah right.  It was one of the funnest games ever made and it was a great stress releiever.  I seriously doubt this will ever fly in the long run.  … well… I hope not.

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December 16, 2004

christmas is okay. i mean, it is definitely too commercial, but i’m looking forward to going home and spending sometime with the fam. even though when i get there i will probably wish someone would shoot me. hmmm. you are smart.

mike tyson’s punchout man that is old school. I sucked at that game. Dude, there is a channukah song by incubus, called “get your dreidel on.” It’s so kickarse! I think I sent it to you. Anyway happy holidays dude! much luv & L8rs, incubschic78

December 22, 2004

i agree xmas has been overly commercialized and is too …’in your face’…but I must say i do enjoy the real spirit of it even though sometimes it gets lost in the mess