rune_master_magician (8:20:00 AM): *throws a clock at you*
dante_greaver (8:20:38 AM): *is hit by a Clock*
rune_master_magician (8:20:44 AM): Har har!
dante_greaver (8:21:11 AM): *The Arrows stick out of his forhead as he bleeds to death* x_X
rune_master_magician (8:22:18 AM): Left! Down! Up! Left and Right! Left left left left left left left!
dante_greaver (8:22:44 AM): Up, Down, LEft, umm Right?
rune_master_magician (8:22:50 AM): No.
dante_greaver (8:23:16 AM): Oh, well it’s been too long..I’m Feemin for DDR!! and Amy…Either one will do for now
rune_master_magician (8:23:20 AM): hehe
dante_greaver (8:23:46 AM): So Whats up?
rune_master_magician (8:23:52 AM): nada
dante_greaver (8:24:03 AM): That Sux
dante_greaver (8:25:22 AM): Her Boyffiend he don’t know, anything about
her, hes too stoned, nintend, I wish I could make her seeeee she just
the flavor of the weeeeek…..
rune_master_magician (8:25:34 AM):
dante_greaver (8:26:00 AM): American Hi-Fi – Flavor of the Week…
rune_master_magician (8:26:05 AM): yar
dante_greaver (8:26:07 AM): This Song OWNS
rune_master_magician (8:26:16 AM): *smack* go back to sleep
rune_master_magician (8:26:18 AM): dorf
dante_greaver (8:26:42 AM): Dwarf? How dare you make fun or Little People!!
rune_master_magician (8:26:56 AM): Not dwarf. Dorf.
dante_greaver (8:28:05 AM): Snarf?
rune_master_magician (8:28:18 AM): erf.
rune_master_magician (8:28:21 AM): zugzug
dante_greaver (8:28:42 AM): Zigaldybug?
dante_greaver (8:29:44 AM): Do you ever Question your Life?
rune_master_magician (8:29:50 AM): nope
dante_greaver (8:29:52 AM): Do you ever wonder why?
rune_master_magician (8:29:56 AM): no
rune_master_magician (8:30:03 AM): I like cheetohs
dante_greaver (8:30:06 AM): Do you ever see your Dreams?
rune_master_magician (8:30:15 AM): yeah. and pie.
dante_greaver (8:30:18 AM): And of Castles in the Sky?
rune_master_magician (8:30:23 AM): no
rune_master_magician (8:30:32 AM): and to answer the next question: sometimes
dante_greaver (8:30:37 AM): Oh tell me why…we build Castles in the Sky *Insert Funky Techno BEat*
dante_greaver (8:31:12 AM): Butterfly!!!
dante_greaver (8:32:02 AM): Aye aye aye I’m your little butterfly, dream I can do make the colors in the sky!!
dante_greaver (8:32:21 AM): 100!
dante_greaver (8:32:28 AM): Your not an Ordinary Feall
dante_greaver (8:32:34 AM): *Fella
dante_greaver (8:33:27 AM): Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha
rune_master_magician (8:36:18 AM): oh, hey
dante_greaver (8:36:54 AM): YEa?
dante_greaver (8:46:31 AM): I can’t get me car fixed now
rune_master_magician (8:46:38 AM): Why not
dante_greaver (8:46:55 AM): I Spent a lil too much on me TUX
rune_master_magician (8:47:02 AM): Oo
dante_greaver (8:47:03 AM): 175
rune_master_magician (8:47:07 AM): Ouch.
rune_master_magician (8:47:08 AM): Damn.
dante_greaver (8:47:10 AM): YEa
rune_master_magician (8:47:12 AM): Rental or purchase?
dante_greaver (8:47:17 AM): Rental
rune_master_magician (8:47:23 AM): oh lordy
dante_greaver (8:47:27 AM): thats with a PRom Discount
dante_greaver (8:48:17 AM): But it’s BAd Ass and Red and Black
with”Shoes” thats what Cost me Shoes and I payed Extra for the Long Tie
rune_master_magician (8:48:25 AM): ah
rune_master_magician (8:48:28 AM): I bought my shoes
rune_master_magician (8:48:36 AM): 50 bucks, half-off with tux rental
dante_greaver (8:48:48 AM): I shoulda but the deal has been Struck no going back now
dante_greaver (8:49:13 AM): Oh, Wait I did buy the Shoes……But From them
dante_greaver (8:49:53 AM): Oh, and they Polish my Shoes Free…Whoopty frikin Doo
dante_greaver (8:50:14 AM): Where did you get your Tux?
rune_master_magician (8:50:26 AM): dun remember
dante_greaver (8:50:43 AM): I got mine at the Tuxedo Junction @ the mall
rune_master_magician (8:50:50 AM): mine was somewhere on the north side
dante_greaver (8:51:16 AM): MAbey I shoulda went there!!!!!! BE LOVIN!!!
rune_master_magician (8:51:25 AM): eh?
dante_greaver (8:51:32 AM): BE LOVIN JUST CAME ON!!
rune_master_magician (8:51:38 AM): from?
dante_greaver (8:51:47 AM): ME COMPUTER
rune_master_magician (8:51:50 AM): ah
dante_greaver (8:51:57 AM): Errr…I mean my Xbox
dante_greaver (8:52:02 AM): I wish
dante_greaver (9:02:17 AM): Fuckin Walmart Won’t let me get my W2s I have to go to an Actual Store to get them
rune_master_magician (9:02:24 AM): ah
dante_greaver (9:02:32 AM): They F’in Suck
dante_greaver (9:03:33 AM): Anyway I G2G I’ll BBL but you may be Asleep….
rune_master_magician (9:03:41 AM): k
too hard to read, aaaah my poor eyes. 😛
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Hey I was just randomly going thru old entries & found someones diary (YOURS!) and you haven’t finished something…novelation is the name :p
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