I just returned from a three day Detention Watch Network conference full of passionate advocates for human and immigrant rights. We lobbied, argued policies, celebrated our successes, mourned our losses, networked, learned from one another, and I felt like I was a meaningful part of something again. And now it is over and I am back in south Jersey, still unemployed, living with mother and her husband.
That is a lot to swallow. The International Social Work Conference in June buoyed me for a couple weeks because it reminded me that I have a lot to offer to the social work and policy community. This time, instead of being buoyed upon my return, I am just depressed because finding a job seems like a much more daunting task after five months of failure. The conference was like a tease. See what kind of work you could be involved in? Isn’t this fabulous? Oh wait, that’s right, nobody wants to hire you.
I want some cookie dough and I want one of the (what feels like hundreds) of places I have applied, to realize what an amazing employee and advocate I would make. I would kick ass at the jobs I am applying for.
However, it sounds like I am just going to have to settle for the cookie dough. For now.
good luck with the job hunting. I’m sure you would kick ass at any of those jobs
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