
Ugh. I am sick. Very bad timing. Wednesday I have a meeting with one of Representative Sires legislative directors as well as a human rights presentation. Thursday I have a presentation to a group of high school kids.  It is post-election crunch time. I also have a needs assessment to conduct and write a 20 page paper on, a program development paper, a presentation on Ghana’s relationship with international lending organizations to create, a program evaluation to conduct….all due within a week and a half. Oy.

In slightly less mundane news. The aforementioned (a month or two back) man who had somehow taken root in my life is making me incredibly and simply happy. Simply happy is not a simple thing for me. I am always questioning and planning and second-guessing. And at some point in the last month I realized that I have been doing very little of that. I have been enjoying him and the present. Not because I am not thinking about the future…but because he somehow seamlessly integrated himself into it. I find myself realizing that all of these things I want to do and the adventures I want to have would be so much better if he was there to do them with me; that they would mean so much more to me if he could share them with me.

We just fit. Not perfectly. No one does. But enough so, that I am realizing in hindsight just how wrong the men I have loved and/or been with in past were for me.

I haven’t been writing about him. I think I am afraid to jinx it.

We shall see.

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