for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return

You know, I’m not religious at all, but some bits of the bible are so beautiful. I used to read it all the time – my mother’s got an old leatherbound copy. Despite my lack of religion, I feel a strange sort of respect for it. I think it’s just because it looks so precious.

I’m like that about Shakespeare as well. It amazes me that someone could have had so much genius. The author of those plays may not have been called Shakespeare, may not have lived in Stratford-Upon-Avon, but it still rests that somebody somewhere had enough genius to write those words. I just like to say them to myself, just to feel the words in my mouth, just to hear them over and over again.

Anyway. Enough with the poetic crap.

The first issue of the newspaper (called PAZ) came out – Camden New Journal printed us 2000 copies. Have you ever tried to distribute 2000 heavy newspapers? I never wanted to see another copy after last week. But I was so proud, it looked so good. We got loads of people saying nice things too. Rose and I are having a planning meeting for the next issue tomorrow, while lazing in the sun. And then tomorrow night I’m going clubbing with some of the others. We found this fantastic club (not Club X, which I’m overjoyed about) just off Oxford Street – it only costs £3, which with my lack of money is brilliant, and plays just the greatest music. A great mix of cheesy pop (Spice Girls, S Club), indie (Libertines, Strokes), golden oldies (Jon Bon Jovi, Build me up buttercup) and R&B (Justin Timberlake, Eminem.. don’t know who else to class under this). So we had the maddest time ever. The only downside was the lack of any fit blokes, and the sad abundance of cheesy chat up lines (Are you German/from Mauritius? Used on me and Rose respectively).

As for anti-war developments, there are many on the horizon. I’ve been asked to speak at some meeting, and Rose spoke at one last week, and we’re getting a lot of things stemming from the paper. It’s all really exciting. People think we’re doing a really good thing, which is nice, because I didn’t expect anyone to take much notice.

I love the sun. The sun! Apart from the whole having to expose oneself issue. I’m going to fake tan tomorrow, in a futile attempt to cover up some of my pasty white flesh.

I’m getting my nose pierced. A tiny blue stud. I’m terrified. I can’t do it till next month, because I’m so poor. Rose said that having that, or a tiny silver bar in my eyebrow were the only things that would suit me, and eyebrow sounds too painful. She got her cartilage at the top of her left ear done, which was apparently painless.

Talking of pain, I have to have nine injections before I go away. I hate injections. Last time I had one I fainted. It’s going to be so awful.. I just won’t think of it.

Before I toddle off to bed, I want to say that I love my friends. Just randomly. I spend my life on the phone. And Hi Eilidh!




PS – Just wanted to add, that this is the funniest website ever; Weebl and Bob Start with the first episode and go through – they’re so funny and so cute. Neeeeed pie… xxx

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heylooo SUMMER!!! SUUUN!! as i was saying to mark yesterday (he wasn’t listening but ya know) pain is all in your mind, if you breather deep and think of calm things then it makes it a lot less painless and don’t tense up. i saw this woman on tv having open surgery with no anesthetic, just a mirror for her to look at how calm she was and she breathed deep, she was fine, however, if she saw…

the blood then she would have probably passed out so yeh, it’s all in your mind and you’ll be fine! and i had my belly button down which is meana be a lot worse than nose and that didn’t really hurt much… it hurts more after me thinks, just look after it! i’m sorry i’m a bit crazy but it’s the heat!! and HUGE congrats on the newspaper, i’m so so proud and happy for you!! love and hugs xxx

sorry i meant ‘done’ not ‘down’ ok i’ll really go now :oP hehe…

Hey, I think it’s great that you’re still working on the anti-war stuff. I just have one question…are the newly-liberated people of Iraq better now that the way is winding down, or would they have been better if the US and the UK let Hussein stay in power?

Noooooo! Don’t get your nose pierced! Don’t get anything pierced! Piercings are evil! I mean..erm..ooh, pierced nose thats nice. 2000 is a lot of papers. I used to do 227 and that was heavy. My brother has to do them now though, while I sit around the hosue in my pjyamas (pyjamas?). I think the second one is right, but the first one should be, otherwise it’s pie jamas not pij amas.

April 17, 2003

ryn: nopperz i havent gotten my nose pierced yet im not shure if i want to do that. so far i have two in each ear and my belly done. have fun wif your piercin i hope it doesn’t hurt much:-) take care

RYN: No, not for citizenship. Just for the cold hard cash. But you’re right, it is marrying someone, so I’m not going to do it. Congrats on the mad success of your newspaper. Sounds like your quite the outspoken kitten. Friends and sun are two of my absolute most favorite things

April 17, 2003

I love you too. And I sympathise about the whiteness of skin and the love of sun. And I’m excited about your nose. And hugely impressed with all the political stuff you’re doing. And I know – Shakespeare is something so much bigger than whether he was actually Shakespeare. And Song of Songs/Solomon in the Bible breaks my heart. I think that’s all. Love you to bits.

Hey! Your nose piercing sounds like it will be cool – but my friend had it done and she said it hurt?? I had my bellybutton done a LONG time ago – I was fine but my boyfriend of the time fainted! Hehe

April 17, 2003

I had that bit of the ear done by a friend(?!) when I was 14 or something,, and it knacked!! It went septic and really really really big and hurt. But I’m a wimp and it was done by a teenager, so, go for it. And anyway, the nose is different.I agree with the Bible and Shakespeare thing, who cares who wrote Shakespeares plays, someone did and they’re brilliant.

yea, I’m not too keen on the Bible. But I do like Shakespere! RYN: yes, I’ve learned that you can only be you. You can’t live up to other’s expectations. Just your own. Unfortunately, I found this out the hard way.

You have been rated! ^_^

thank you 🙂

Hey bunny! I like getting mentions – it’s all gravy baby. I know for a fact that eyebrows are painless (no nerves), but noses heal quicker. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine! And you were damn good in the choir… E xxx

Ah!! The fun-ness, I am eternally jealous. Nose rings rock my world. You’ll look awesome.edgy.and sexy all at the same time. How’s that for multi-tasking? 😉 Good job and good luck!

i agree…i enjoy reading thebible sometimes 🙂 peace Em

Hi havent looked at your dairy for a while just wondered hows it going with Uni have you got a place yet?

Cheers 4 the note. Yeh…I seriously have to fugure out how to post pics in entries lol. U have gud taste if u like Busted hehe…and I like his eyebrows! lol. Roxy xx

April 23, 2003

Hey, thanks for the note. And go you with the anti-war campaign

April 26, 2003

RYN: the thing about RNA? Um… the truth is I can’t really remmember, but see my latest diary entry for as much explanation as I can give.

April 27, 2003

RYN: Nothing I love more than things that perplex me. Nose piercings don’t hurt any more than ears in my experience by the way.

heylo!! long time no note!! where are you?! i was waiting for you to update but i figured you were on a mini break so i’m noting anyway! i miss you! dunno what else to say! hope all is groovy… i thought of you yesterday when i was in london because i know you live in that neck of the woods! anyway, i’m talking rubbish so ttfn and remember *your bed is evil, it plots against you* LOVE YOU! sam xx