My second ticker

Well, Orlando was great.

-breaking news-

Bastet, hah! You thought i had to study. Studying is for responsible people!

Here are my Midterm grades- without studying

Latin: A+

Spanish: A+ 99%, (highest grade in the school, thank you very much…)

Literature: A

Algebra: A+

Social Studies: B (one of the highest grades in the school… incredibly confusing test…)

Science: B (silly mistakes, no. I got off for not having …full sentences???? That perfectionist of a teacher, Mr. Cox!)

*grin*   I’m very happy with my grades.

You see, Bastet? I know when i need to study, and when i can just blow it off. Otherwise i would have had to study, study, study, study all the time, and i wouldn’t have had time to…. to….

*what did i do with my extra time? oh yeah….*

I wouldn’t have had time to read the manga you got me!

*yes…. that’s a good excuse…. except i got the manga after i blew off my studies…*




What was i talking about again?

How much i love Depeche Mode? DM ROCKS!

*sighs* I’m so astoundingly bored… Responsibility is a soul-hungry demon-snake… Bastet is on AIM… Bastet’s on?   I’m bored no longer!

Good Morning Children,



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