Hello Fabulous People!

AAAAHHHH I Have so much to talk about you dont even knooooooow!
Its Fabulous!

The Hot Musician. invited me to go to Devon Saturday night.
I did think about it.
and thought about how Alan would feel about it.
Were not going out. so why should it be a problem.
Ill come back to this bit shortleeeh! 😉
so he picked me up saturday evening at half 8.
I SWEAR i had the quickest full shower EVER!
shaved, scrubbed, washed and conditioned my hair.
all in 15 minutes, and without a slash from the razor. SUCCESS!

I smelled gorgeous.
fair sure i looked good aswell! 😛
so we were in the car and talking the whole way, not one bit of silence,
Probably because i talk and talk anyway!
But it was fab!
He owns a lot of properties and stuff so we were staying in one of his Parents apartments they have there.
It was nice!

I didnt want it to be JUST about the sex and stuff.
before i went.
Tom…the ex ex guy, told me that the hot musician has a girlfriend.
and his friends told Tom
"Hes only bringing her there to do the dirty"
I didnt say anything.

So he got the wine out, and taught me how to make it make a noise by rubbbing your finger around the edge. THAT was coooool!
then i demanded we played the N64!
SO old!
Mario Kart!
By this time i was so drunk i kept falling off the track and had to picked up by a white thing.
that was bad times!

There was a pull out bed in the living room, and as i waltzed back in from the toilet he had pulled it out….
Leave it to you guys to work out what happened next.
I certainly cant remember it all!

Woke up in a king sized bed alone…
Fell back asleep.
Woke up again and he was there.
apparently he woke up on the living room floor with a ring in his back… woops! 
i mustve just left him there or something!

We chatted for ages in bed.
about stuff, how many sexual partners we’d had.
"Stuff" happened again…
But before that he made it clear that he didnt bring condoms "Expecting anything"
which i thought was nice, and fair enough.
we went to the beach!
we skipped stones on the sea!
i took photos and videos.
By this time i had missed nine calls from Alan.
That was bad.

We walked for ages! 
Literally around the coast of England!
Unfortunatly, i was in Black. It was raining saturday night so i wasnt expecting it to be sunny,
I basically looked like a NOB!
He bought me some chips and we sat on a bench at the bay listening to kareoke blaring out of a pub from a fishermans party =/
It was nice to see how different people were down there!
He was nice.
I think im falling for him.
On the drive home i went to the service station to get some credit to ring Alan.
we spoke i had to tell a little white lie that the "people we were with had an argument with us and went off on there own so it was just me and the musician hanging out all day" 
I wanted to be somewhat honest.
Im a SHITE liar, so i couldnt lie too much.
He was fine with it.
Or so thats how he came across.

The musician dropped me off at Alans.
and we watched "planet earth" and slept on a blow up bed in his living room.
I didnt want to try and do anything with him as that would be bad. considerin i was with the musician the night before = 
He told me how he got jealous about guys liking me at work.
That made me think how he almost certainly must be jealous about the photos on my camera of me and Mr Musician…

The next day he told me that *Laura (name changed)
was back down from Uni, and she wanted to hang out and drink wine.
I didnt have an issue with it.
It does make me wonder why he felt he had to tell me…
and when me and him drink wine, we kiss and cuddle.
Do they do that? 

I dont know what to do.
I need to forget about Mr Musician.

I spoke to him in the car about his "girlfriend"
Shes at Uni and he hardly sees her apparently. and they argue and stuff.
as far as hes concerned, they are in a relationship, but it doesnt "feel" like it,
He has a girlfreind, and he obviously thinks about her.
Im just a booty call for him,
Im aware of that.
Im fine with it.
Hes a booty call for me.
Fair shout.
Im sure he doesnt think much more of it.

I think im going to JUMP.
Im going to make it exclusive between me and Alan.
If he wants to.
Next time i see him.
Not tomorrow (at work!)
but whenever after that.

Im going to try and convince myself that we’d be good.
SOMETHING is telling me not to though!

Im gunna do it.
and find out.

I think theres more to him than meets the eye though.
as with anyone.
Shouldnt be like that considering weve been "seeing" eachother since March.

Im gunna have a bath.
I wanna make myself feel pretty again.
I feel really ugly lately.
Errgh i need to go shopping!
Payday Friday thoughhhh!
So Fabulous!
Cannot wait!
Talk soon Babeeeeesssssssss
Keep Smiling!
Theres always Sunshine Behind the Clouds! 🙂

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July 13, 2009

you’re quite the optimist aye? as for the lieing thing, i believe you need to be taught from an early age to lie. im the master at being fake and lieing, its just what i do, but i was raised in secrets and lies. ryn: thanks, i try my best. be well 🙂

July 14, 2009

Oooo wow, so many things happening!! =D Hmm, that “something” telling u not 2 might be right, but, if the over riding urge is to make it exclusive, it might just be something you need to learn =) who knows, whatever happens, itll be exciting thou!! Very happy for you n_n Sorry I havent been around lately =( stoopid uni!! Ive read all the entries though =) fun fun times!

July 14, 2009

Will be interesting to see what happens with your sister moving out ;p ryn: Naaaaaaawwwww shyucks *blushes* thank you so much lovely!! Thats so nice of you to say n_n its been a very long journey indeed, I’m glad that it all came across =) & hooray for finding awesome people on OD! Was such a lucky fluke I found u! lots of the random ppl I look at are just oddballs ;p hehe. Take care! xoxo