NO, how about D.I.F.M… do it FOR me!! 

So I Bought some fabulous feature wallpaper. for the chimney breast in my bedroom as the focal point.
At around 11 last night i thought it was time to begin.
so i trawled the internet for some knowhow on how to bloody do it!
FAR more complicated than i had imagined.

Paste all over my floor. the wallpaper isnt even matching.
it looks like a two year old slapped on stickers and spewed on the walls!!! 
so after an hour of fighting with the tape measure, paper and paste. I had 2 sheets up. and gave in.

Oh how i was the last in line when God was handing out patience XD
I need a decorator. NOW.
ok maybe not now, tomorrow? 

I then jumped into ze bathhh, which was lovely 🙂
Whilst in the bath i had some thoughhhts, i like to think in a bath 🙂
I thought about Alan, as per. 😛 
im now nervous about the relationship and where it might be headed.
Who knows. 🙁

After that I Plonked on the sofa with some tea and yoghurt and the laptop and nailvarnish and put on that film ive been trying to watch for evenings on end!
It was fabulous!
i managed to paint my tootsies aswell, and tire myself out watching telly so i could sleep.
I fell asleep at around half three.
It appears i fell asleep whilst trying to set my alarm for work!!!
I woke up with my phone open next to my head with the alarm setup screen on it!! 
i must have been shattered!

Today at work was much better, noone pulled me up about the complaint, and i managed to get things done fairly smoothly. went home happy, Bought my dad a flower for Fathers day which he really likes 🙂
and a Card and a Purple Ronnie Little book, which he found hilarious! Im glad he likes it.
People are sober today and i am in a fabulous mood 😀 

Now To Get Ready to meet the Beb, Alan 😉
aaaahhhh WISH ME LUCK!!!


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June 22, 2009

lmao, go handygirl go! xD Yeaah I wouldve given up 2 =p makes an awesome story thou! hehe. Oooo im muchly glad you got that relaxing night you were after =) sounds lovely!! and GOOD LUUUUCK! Cant wait 2 here what happens =) Ryn: Ah man, you are SO right there.. I really need to remember that next time Im upset =p lol. Thanks heaps for that n_n Naaaawwww *huggles* thas ok!! He didnt run away after

June 22, 2009

you did open up, which is an awesome sign he respects you =) no matter what happens tonight he seems like a really good person to have around! You both seem mature enough to be able to handle any outcome 2. Yay! Take care lovely! xoxo

June 22, 2009

Oh, boy! When I read “I bought some fabulous Wallpaper for my…”, I knew where this was going. You can’t do it alone; you needed another person.