A Life Continues

Wow. It’s been since December 5, 2010 since I last updated- I had just finished first semester of my Bachelor of Ed at the University of Ottawa. So much has changed/happened since then. I feel like I really need to write a very long update, but hopefully I can get everything out in a few entries.

I don’t know why, but I am so exhausted. Even thinking about what I want to write in this entry makes me tired. The problem is that I’m not sleeping well. For over a week, I averaged about 4.5-5 hrs of sleep a night- that wasn’t fun. I was literally exhausted everyday. My job requires me to work out doors, and even with the heat, I still couldn’t get alot of sleep. The problem isn’t falling asleep, it’s staying asleep. I’ll be asleep at 10, 1030, or even 11- but I still wake up at like 5-530. No matter what I do, it doesn’t help. The one time I actually slept for 10 hrs in a night, I was an hour late for work. I really didn’t feel bad but it was so nice to sleep, finally. Then I had days off- and now I’m back to sleeping very little; still waking up before my alarm. I was hoping to get up at 6:15 in the am and do some ‘energising’ yoga to see if maybe that would help me get through the day. However, I just wake up groggy and too lazy and wanting to sleep to get organised to do it.. All I really want is a good night’s sleep and feel energised and refreshed in the morning.

Hopefully in the next few entries I can get some thoughts out and explore the problems.

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July 13, 2012

welcome back! its been a while

July 14, 2012

Its good to see you back! I think Im gonna be back as well! Even after all the time Ive been gone!