No to Prorogue
Well Harper has prorogued Parliament again. Not new news.
However, in response there are protests happening on Saturday across the country in various towns and cities. It’s a pretty big movement, so we’ll see what happens.
I’m going to the one in Halifax. I think it will be a good time. Probably take the camera as well. Should be good.
Today, I spend a good 6 hours of it, in 2 different slots, handing out flyers to get ppl to some out. I had one guy sound really interested in coming b/c he thought it was a shame as to what’s happening. Another young guy, about my age, was happy to see posters go up….and one guy was SO happy to see something happening ecause, in his words, "Harper is a son of a bitch." I just couldn’t disagree with that.
In the morning, I was canvassing with a Conservative who was working for the NS provincial Conservative Party, but left it because of Harper’s influence on the party and she did not like his style of governance. So, it’s nice to see that even Conservatives think this prorogation is just dumb. This time, it’s not some leftist, socialist, left-wing wacko thing. I’ve heard all of the labels…sometimes at the same time!! haha
Anyway, if you are close to a community engaging in a protest on Saturday and have time, go out and support the cause! Just remember to be nice to people- don’t get violent or anything. It will take away from the cause.