reasons why

the reasons why I love my new Saturn:

– I can actually talk on my cell phone while driving (I could never hear anything in my convertible)

– I know how fast I’m going, how much gas I have, and how many miles I’ve driven (none of those gages worked in the convertible)

– my windows roll down….and back up…and back down….with a single button (I had to pull on the convertible windows while holding down the button….and eventually the windows stopped going up at all).

– I don’t have to keep towels in my car for when it rains.

– I will never again be dripped on while driving in the rain.

– I will never again have ice an inch thick covering the floor of my car.

– I have heat.

– I have air conditioning. what’s more, I have a range of settings of air conditioning.

– I have rear defrost.

– the stereo is better than any I’ve heard lately. hanson music has never sounded so good!

– I don’t have to blast the stereo to hear anything over the wind.

– I don’t have to wear a bandana to keep my hair from blowing to pieces and tangling beyond hope.

– I can style my hair and actually have it look good when I get to where I’m going.

– the lighter works – which means I can plug in a phone charger.

– I can lock, unlock, and open the trunk with a single click on my keys. (in my convertible, I had to pull the trunk up while holding the key in place. I had to press unlock at least twice to get one door to unlock – though half the time it didn’t work at all.)

– I have four doors.

– semis will no longer honk at me as I pass them on the interstate.

– I have the power to take off and pass people.

– I have a V4 engine with great gas mileage that drives like a V6.

basically, I feel like a real person now – like I’m a step closer to actually being an adult. I no longer have an embarrasing car! I no longer have to feel as trashy as my car. but the sad thing is, this isn’t even my car. my mom test-drove it, my mom worked out the deal, my mom got the insurance, and will get the title. my mom paid for it (though I’ll pay her back when I get my loan money in). I’m not quite an adult yet…because my mom is still taking care of me. but what would I do without her? I do need her help, and her support is so important in getting my doctorate. I hope I can really thank her and take care of her someday.

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August 14, 2007

saturns drive great. please read my most recent entry, it’s actually important.

August 14, 2007

Good for you! Saturns have shown to be great vehicles.