Some times
Some times you have to wonder just what sort of impact you have on other lives…
Just somethink simple like saying hello to someone could even make a difference, That hello might have been al lthat person needed to put a smile on there face…
And tyhen I guess you can go to somethink like day to day contact with someone, So many things could happen with somethink like that… And who knows out of all those different things that you have made contact by. either talking or touching…
Simple things or more complex things…
I guess also there is going to be good and bad impact you could create aswell, I guess it is possible by saying that hello, that person might not have wanted to be talked to and then could be pissed off just that little bit more…
I dont really know where I am going with this, But I guess this is also somethink that we can’t stop from happening.. Unless we hide in a hole or somethink lol
Neways enough of this…