Isn’t it amazing yet again another day pass’s, and things stay the same.. Besdies now I have 85 messages from this chick I met on the weekend.. Sorta crazy… But aparently she says I am more crazy then her…
That was the last of the messages I got from her.. So still unsure just what she meant by that…
Still not sure where this is all going… wow I guess I have alot of unsure’s lol
Well I did it again.. I sent a sms to a friend and I sent it to this chick I met.. Its come like a habbit ova the past few days to send to her number… gaa so crazy…
I need to detatch myself from this chick.. I am still not really sure(another unsure) if it is a good idea to attach.. its prolly really not a good idea at all.. Knowing thel ittle that I do…
Neways ga. to much talk sends me crazy when its about one person…
Did I mention that I am doomed?
yes I am doomed…
Doomed is a good word..
I like the word doomed
Doom! Yes that word is just as good as Doomed
Neways sending this blah