“You know that you’re worthless”
GOD DAMN! WHY DO I ALWAYS DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking deleted the entry I just did… GOD DAMN BACKSPACE! Send me back to the last page… I come back and its all freaking gone… son of bitch!
Basically this was about how my vacation went, and the fact that no one reads this but Em. So I do this for my own benefit incase I forget something in the future….
So Christmas… did the normal family things. My brother came up and that was pretty cool. He and my dad got the same pjs this year. Classic tradition dictates that we get a new pair of pajamas every Christmas Eve. Well yeah… so my dad and John matched. Those were some kodak memories right there… For example:
The sad thing is he does not usually look that scary… But when he trys!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay so that was how that went down… For christmas I got the usual…. perfume, jewelery, clothes, dvds.. and such. Oh and can’t forget the gift cards. Love the gift cards.
Other than that… Chirstmas break was the norm… seeing family and shopping. Then on news years eve… well since I’m sooo busy every year… Well this year I babysit for my cousin and that was a first. Her kids are sooo sweet too. I loved them! Plus they have a really nice house and they payed me pretty damn good! Of course I already spent the 50 dollars. Not on much but still… I have expensive taste what can I say!
Yeah I am home sick today so I think I’m gonna go lay down before I puke again… Prolly watch some Disney movies and play some PS2. SO I’M OFF!