day 14/15/16

It’s currently 7:22PM. I just got back from school.
Dance rehearsals drained my energy this week. I’ve literally been at school from 7am – 6pm , all week.

I miss you love.
I wish i could share the news with you, but i guess it’ll have to wait till next week (: ALMOST THERE<3

First of all .. my performance (mentioned a million entries ago) , is on monday.
The one for like 800+ teachers and school board administrators.. Yeah. I’m not particularly excited.. normally i’d be pretty nervous but i’m just so tired i don’t really even care. I just want it to be over.

What else is new.. i dont know if i’ve told you before but to graduate, i need 90 hours of work experience.
Anyways, i have an interview on wednesday at 4 (: I’m incrediblyyyyy nervous, omgaaaaawd.

Actually that’s about it.. i love you. & i miss you.<3

Oh! And it snowed today(: I wish you were here.

*The 2nd is coming up soon .. i hope youre exciting. Cause you’re deffs getting a surprise. (:

Its now 1:14 am
I can’t sleep. I cannot get you out of my mind. And i feel like shit right now.
Tri and ant get to be together tomorrow, again.
Tri complained to me about how much she didn’t want to see ant tomorrow. Because she didn’t feel pretty enough.
Because she was nervous. Because she was afraid things would go wrong.
Because Ant’s moving to her city, across the country to be with her, and shes worrying about being ugly in his eyes.
This to me, just felt so bad to hear. I’d kill to be able to see you, to spend even just an hour with you. I’d kill just to even talk to you right now. And here you have tri complaining about getting to be with ant. Does she not realize how lucky she is?
Past 2 weeks without you have been incredibly hard. I tried to keep it together, and i kinda did until now.
I’m lost. Really, lost.

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November 19, 2010

naw hun you need some sleeps and to relax this weekend, best of luck on monday!! and with your interview.. and whats happening the 2nd? much love…