The compilations of a bad morning*

So i basically didn’t sleep last night.
I stayed up for a bit, black eye liner streaming down my cheeks. But of course, i’ll wake up and pretend nothing’s wrong, smile like there’s no tomorrow, and no one will know i’m lying… maybe except for you guys , neil .. and yeah that’s about it.
I fell asleep around 4am , and my stupid friend (Jaycee) decides she wants to text me and wake me up at 9.
Normally i would have my cell on silent, but i was hoping for someone to text me last night.. but it didn’t happen.
Anyway, i look like a zombie right now, and i probably sound like one too.
I woke up , and the first thing i thought about was last night. I don’t want to go into detail but i wish i was a better girlfriend .. nuff said.
An hour later i get another text which informs me that my best friend and some guy are officially together. This pisses me off, quite a bit.
Let me explain why:
Basically this guy has been hitting on her for the past i dont know how many weeks. Not gonna lie, she’s very pretty and i wouldn’t be surprised if guy’s chased her around. However, this guy wants her for sex. I know it, he straight up told me. (which i think is pretty dumb of him .. obviously i’d tell her) So i tell her, and she’s pretty freaked out about it. But does she do anything about it ? No.. She lets him touch her ass and stuff. What’s worse is she already has a boyfriend. Jeeeez. Whatever.
Mum is still pissed at me .. it’s been a couple of days now. I guess i didn’t really say much about it , but we had an argument a few days ago. She kept using racist terms (but she’s not racist ..) so i decided say something. Of course, she didn’t like my tone , and so now she’s mad at me.. Really mom, really.

I don’t even know what i’m going to do today. I have homework.. but i don’t feel like doing it quite yet.
Neil won’t be home until at least 9pm.. what can i do till then? I suppose i’ll go have an adventure by myself. Maybe take the car? Hah.. mom would shoot me. 

Oh right. It’s thanksgiving today .. well for canada at least.
I’d like to say that i’m grateful for the roof above me, the clothes i’m wearing, and the food i eat.
I’m also grateful to have someone so special to love.
I’m grateful for … yeah.

Here comes the random comments ..
I wish december would come by faster.
I really want yam fries .. i should call up the girls and go to cactus club next week or something.
I failed my last math test .. woo …

I’m off to go doodle.
I reckon i’ll be a grumpy kid all day , hah.

Bonne matin .. apres midi ? *

So i just watched knight and day .. the movie with tom cruise. Pretty boring in my opinion.
I also just checked my facebook .. Jodiline’s having her 16th dinner thing in a couple of weekends.
Cool beans, i get to go hunting for a present again haha. I also need to go get myself something less casual… hm.

This is probably a very depressing thought. But sometimes i want something bad to happen to me.
I fear pain, but sometimes i want to be run over by a car or something. Badly injured. End up in the hospital kind of thing.
I want to know who actually cares. Hmm.

Gaah, i miss neil.

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October 10, 2010

aww girly i hope you feel better.. you always have me here to talk to.. just remindin you 🙂 and naw girly dont think like that.. but i have to admit that i am curious as well in who cares enough. and girly i really doubt that you are a horrible gf. although i feel that way as well sometimes. much love…