I’d be real as my age…

     It’s amazing what a quality day of shopping with your mother can do for your self esteem.  I now own more cute and compy clothes than I know what to do with and am out $100 of $200 that will be left over once I transfer some funds to my savings account so I won’t touch it until Eurotrip ’07!  And of all things I bought a dress.  It’s a little red wrap number, super cute and strangley enough it looks good on me.  Until this summer getting me into a skirt required a)good reason b)lack of laundry c)more self confidence than I can usually muster etc…you get the picture.  But this summer I have been wearing lots of skirts-Don’t worry I’m still about the jeans and t-shirts underneath it all-and now a dress!  Wow…I am kind of amazed…let’s see if I ever wear it 😀

     I have so much to bitch about, but not the energy to do it.  This PMS-now DMS- lethargy is getting old.  Is it time for menopause yet?  Well…except for the whole baby-making thing.  I think I probably still want to do that.   UGH!

     I’m re-prioritizing.  And the writing is coming slowly…is it against the rules to write from different POV’s in the first person in one story? 😀  Cuz I waaaaaant to….hehehehehe

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Shopping is fun 🙂 You should post some pix of what ya got!! 😉

July 19, 2006

woot woot for shopping!

July 19, 2006

A)you better not have bought the super hot dress i want at LB i will die of envy! B) No it’s not against the rules, just transition well C)….Adam :

July 20, 2006

there are no freaking rules.