Precious and fragile things

     This diary has become so angst ridden that I’m begining to feel like some bratty teenager with all my black goth clothing, sitting in front of the compurter screen whining about silly and pointless things(not that I’m hating against black clothing or goths).  In fact I’m not wearing any black at all right now, just jeans and a green shirt…so there goes the goth problem.  But you catch my meaning right?  I just feel whiny…and this craving in me begins to write really shit poetry.

     Help me?

     Still, things aren’t all that bad.  I’m still looking for a job, and hopefully the Lane Bryant thing will work out…or hopefully Ruby Tuesdays will call back.  I don’t know.  I’d like a job.  I go to the doctor a week from tomorrow and I can’t stand the wait.  Already I have lost track of my life.  I just want to go out and wander…and in between I want to work.  I’m through with this whole mess….or at least part of me is.

     One of my friends says he’s going to Ireland this summer to bounce around from pub to pub, and I told him I wanted to hop into his suitcase.  Not just for the boyfriend thing over there, but I miss the country and the culture.  It was a lot of fun, and hell it would be great craic if I could ever get the money to go.  I wish he’s been able to visit me while I was over there before…but we just didnt catch each other in time, ya know?

     Still.  I want to go out and see something new, open up new doorways, and move forward.  I’m going to try and relax…this is my permanant goal of course, but seriously…I am going to work on just letting it all go…but at the same time stop placating people and make a stand for myself.  I am tired of just being "the Hi-C getter".  Not that I want others to fill that role for me…I mean hell we can get our own Hi-C, and maybe once and a while surprise our friends with a Hi-C.  But the point of this silly metaphor is that I don’t want to be the person who is always giving…giving…giving…and getting nothing in return.  There are some times when giving without receiving is a great thing…but I’m not talking about those things. 

     I don’t think I have to explain further…if you get it, you’ve been there or know someone who has.

     Things are all on shaky ground right now.  Perhaps this is what growing up is…just never being able to find sure footing because every day more trails are laid at your feet, and more illusions are broken, and more ideals are questioned.  Black and White blend to grey….or perhaps they bend to the whole spectrum of colors…and the more colors we find the more unsure we become.  I want some of that surety back…even if it means no longer stopping to question things…or perhaps especially if thats what it means. 

     I’m just tired of the jerk and pull on my life, my emotions, and my beliefs.  I want something steady, and nothing in my life is steady right now.  Maybe that’s where the job comes in…something to root me to the spot, and serve as a foundation for other things. 

     That’s exactly what I need.  A foundation.  What’s your foundation?  Mine has cracked and crumbled into a thousand little pieces in the shape of question marks and tears.  How do I build with that?  And where do I find the materials to start over fresh?

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hey I wore a green tshirt and jeans today too:) lol. hm…foundation-not sure I know becuase I’m not exactly rooted (although I am kinda stuck…). As far as getting the material to start anew….outside changes can help, but I think that material has to come from within

ryn1-lol yeah it does. I think comfort can be different depending…I like to dress comfy most of the time, but even at goth night, I wouldnt wear just rave pants-comfort then was dressing up and feeling hot lol. but yeah it is always easier when brothers approve, whatever their reasons lol

ryn2-lol thanks. I think I can:) lol. yeah i didnt think it was such a great sign either, but who knows. I got back late tonight because dans an idiot and his phone’s already off so I haven’t gotten to talk to him. but I think it’s still a good sign he’s not into her, opted to lay with me and told me that he wasn’t into her (why say-I can assure you it’s never gonna happen? why would I need

assuring, save for if he thinks I am in a position to need to be assured she’s not getting anywhere? idk. lol. but I do agree-I think everything helps us grow and everything is necessary. the shit with dan was shit, but at times it was good, and I can learn and grow from both, as I learned and grew from the last failed time. maybe this time will fail also (or not even begin…but let’s not think

of that lol)…or maybe it’ll turn out to be some spectacular lifelong thing. who knows-whatever happens will likely be what’s supposed to and what is needed on both sides at the time. Even if it’s for the worst, it’s usually for the better

February 14, 2006

wow. nice entry. i agree with you on so many things. i need something stable as well. and growing up is hard… but its okay to whine! writing helps get your feelings out. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!