Cheshire Cats and Rainy Days

So today is the first day back from Spring break.  I’ve got applications in to different possible employers, and I finished two books, 4 mangas, and a chapter each on my fanfictions.  Most importantly, my best friend had her baby, and I got to spend lots of time with both mommy and baby.  Little Toni is beyond precious.  *hugs and kisses to them both*

Here’s what I did -not- accomplish…

-I did -not- write the promised birthday story for Cookie (but it’s coming I swear)

-I did not get chapter 2 written on “Strings”

-I did not get to see Casey (not by my own fault *grumble*)

-I did not get to sleep in as planned

-I did not get any homework done

All things considered, however, I still did pretty well.  And today Mimi gave me a lil stuffed Cheshire Cat from Disney World!  AMPED!  I brought him to work, cuz he’s a cutie-pi and makes me smile when the tedium of shredding starts to get me down.


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I know isn’t it? lol, yeah, on one hand I’m glad it may be over a semester earlier than I thought, but on the other it’s intimidating. thanks:) I hope it all goes well too.

March 31, 2005

Oh Pudding I loves thee, you were the best b-day present ever yourself! I still want that fiction though…

March 31, 2005

*YaY* for mommy and the baby. 😀