Since You Been Gone

This is how it goes…

     Classes this semester rock my sweet soul.  I’m taking a Children’s Lit class with fun children’s stories as my reading all semester.  Yay!

     As for what’s got me bummed…I’ll tell you.

     Most of my friends are going abroad in the Spring, and I will be without them for a whole year.  This makes me mucho sad.  I wish they could all jump in my suitcase and come to Ireland with me.  I’ll miss them something wicked.  Sam, you loser, come to Ireland with me!!!!  I’ll go with you to England some other time, and we’ll rock the Shakespeare on our own terms 😉 

     I’ll be in a single next year.  Originally this was exciting.  Now I’m a bit…sad.  It will be very lonely I think.

     I have been once more sucked into the world of fanfiction.  This bugs me I think.  I don’t have the time to keep up with it, and it sucks the inspiration dry from my very soul.  I should have let it alone when went all losery, but I cannot help it.  The fans…they call to me…I am an attention whore of the most intense variety.

     If I could only find my muse, perhaps I wouldn’t be so sad right now.  She is … MIA for once, and it’s a bit odd.  I haven’t felt this empty of story in … in a long time.

     I miss feeling like part of a community, not a group or a click, but a community.  Where have all my OD contacts vanished to?  Where did I go missing?

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February 6, 2005

Oh my Pudding, thee is great, and in your wake all things even OD may be restored to Greatness ^_^ Love, Cookie