Showing the Love

     I just want to say that even though I’ve been one of those hit hardest by the latest hacker attacks on OD, that I have a lot of respect for the DiaryMaster, and everything he’s tried to do to fix, and then solve outsecurity problems.  I’ve been following his updates, waiting impatiently to find out if my few past entries will be recovered, but alas…it’s  not going to happen.  That’s okay, however, because I was very comforted by the new security being implemented.  He works so very hard so I can sit here at work and type this sort of thing to my little heart’s content.

     As far as an update into things going down…

     1. I’m updating my story ‘Alpha’ on AdultFanfiction for anybody who’s interested.

     2. I’m going to hopefully get the first chapter of Ebony Sunset uploaded to Fiction Press so DEF check that out!

     3. I still haven’t donemy English paper -_-;;

     4. My big project of the moment is on hold because I have WAY too much school work T_T

     5. Sorry Cookie, Teague and Jason are just going to have to wait a little bit longer.  I really don’t have time.

     Do you know how ucky it feels not to have time to write?  It’s like…hmm can’t think of anything that’s not melodramatic so we’ll leave it be, but it’s not good.  I’m stressed.  I’m cranky.  And most of all my brain feels lazy.  I’ve said it before, writing is like a muscle, you have to exercise it regularly of it diminishes.  Sometimes I understand taking a break (emphasize ‘sometimes’) but to simply not be ABLE to because there is so much else going on…it’s killing me (not in the literal sense of course)  I want to post some literature here, but that is another thing I don’t have time for.  I had a (relatively)short story  planned for here called ‘Eyes’ but i can’t even look at it!

     And just so many uckythings are going on right now.  Mid-terms, papers, reading assignments, just in general too much for me to want to deal with.  I’m tired, incredibly thirsty, and pretty darn cranky.  But on an up note, I got back in touch with an old High School friend last night.  It makes me happy when good things like that happen.  Tinker Day better be this week.  Or else.

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theres a hacker on od?????