Of all the things I want to do

     I am enthused to be announcing, that Tabi and I will be revising our story Ebony Sunset from “Firestruck” the diary.  We are posting it on fictionpress.com and I’ll provide a link as soon as it’s up.  To date it’s my proudest collaboration piece, involving major characters from our individual stories, and lots of action, vampires, and romance ~_^ since I’m such a sap for it.

     I watched Ella Enchanted and was like *cheers* because I love the whole true love nonsense…even if I don’t believe in it.

     I went to a talk about Wicca yesterday.  It was enlightening.  I still don’t believe, not that one talk would convince me, but I have more respect for those who are truly a part of it.  Not that I’ve met many.  This woman who gave the talk was a Priestess, and she was just so knowledgable that it was hard not to respect her for at least dedicating herself completely to something like this.  It’s an old religion…though some people wouldn’t think so.

     The internet is down in Starkie.  It sucks.  I hate when things like this happen and I have to trek over to Dana just to waste time on OpenDiary and LiveJournal…yeah that’s right I have both.  Though to be honest they never say the same things.  My LiveJournal is more for random thoughts, whereas I usual type more for OD.  It just happens, so sue me.

     Okay…there was something else, but my brain is so frazzled I’m not sure I’ll ever get anything out of it.  My thoughts are sticky…like peanut butter…wow that was weird.  Maybe not.  I’ll be back when the internet returns to my dorm, or when I have the ambition to haul myself up from my desk and come back here to Dana.  Funny…I don’t have any classes here this semester…funny.

My thought of the day:  Sometimes I think I’m wasting my time on the important things.  If you don’t get it, you are too.

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October 16, 2004

i will begin revising my first part soon ^_^ i promise. true love. *snort* don’t i wish. mad love.