Niece’s study problems

Last night, my sis-in-law told me that she had gotten a call from my niece’s school about her progress there. They are okay with her learning speed and grasping power but not happy with her self-confidence. They told that she started crying whenever she was not able to cope there or had any problems in writing etc.

She also seemed confused between the letters D, P and B, I mean, not able to write them properly, you ask her to write D and she will write down B or vice-versa :-(. And if they told her it was not correct and she needed to try again, she would start crying since she didn’t know how to write 🙁 which is not true as I know myself that she actually knows as she does just right at home.

I am not happy about it. Since I sit with her when she studies or does her home work etc so I know she is not dumb, I mean, her brain works fine lol. I even teach her letters and numbers so I know she knows them all so I am wondering what goes wrong at school?

But yeah, I know one thing, she feels inferior in asking, I mean, if she is stuck somewhere, she would hesitate in asking help and if you offer, she would act as she didn’t need it or wouldn’t have an eye contact with you lol, so much ego (if it is ego only) at such a small age lol, she is just 4 only. Another problem might be that she throws a lot of tantrums at home and her poor (or might be stupid) parents give in so easily every time that she has figured that throwing a tantrum works and probably was trying the same thing at school too.

Now, I don’t know what to do or how to help her out? Though her mummy is spending more time with her now and she is practicing those letters with her on a daily basis and improvement can be seen too so she is not dyslexic for sure lol.

And I am more worried about her throwing tantrums and low self-confidence. Though we all always tell her that she can do all this or she is doing things so wonderfully etc, I mean try to boost her confidence but seems it’s not helping much :-(.

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I think story telling helps a lot too…I mean when I try reasoning with my younger cousins, I give examples of my life when I was afraid or something or maybe a tale where i praise the character for standing up for their rights or blah….that helps a lot too in inspiring kids…

thats too bad that she feels so badly under pressure that she cries 🙁 i hope that something can be worked out. D B and P are all sort of similar and easy to get mixed up!!

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