Let’s hope they ignore it!

The Vatican has released a document specifically aimed at Catholic politicians. It details the Catholic Church’s reasons why unions between same-sex couples are immoral and deviant, and also sates that allowing gay couples to be parents is also immoral and, in fact, is a form of violence against children.

It saddens me that this church that I love is so homophobic and blinkered on some issues. It can be an incredibly powerful and wonderful force for good, but it can also be responsible for great hurt and destruction. When there are many good and decent gay and lesbian people in the clergy and religious life; when the church has benefited in a variety of ways from the gifts and talents of gay painters, sculptors, composers, architects; when a number of gay authors are writing about the love/hate relationship with the church and desperately wanting to have a role in that church rather than abandon it…the church instead abandons them.

Let’s hope the Catholic politicians ignore it.

(There’s also talk of a soon-to-be-published document on the issue of allowing gays to study for the priesthood. And so the abuse continues.)

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i know of a catholic support group same sex attracted youth called Courage. Do you know anything about that? A priest recommended it to a friend of mine.

thanks. the friend that it was recommended to said it sounded a lot like the camp in the movie “but i’m a cheerleader”. thanks for your insight.