
It wasn’t a pleasant time. I’d gone to Home City as a had a meeting to chair last night. The meeting wasn’t until 7.30pm but I’d gone in early to do some banking to have some dinner with my parents. I arrived at my parents’ place and after the usual hellos and so on I explained that while I was going to be overseas my car would need to be registered and insured. The necessary paper work had just arrived and I won’t have time to do it before I fly out. I explained that I’d not done anything in the registration and insurance process. Well, my father went to town asking me several times about the roadworthy certificate, and several times I explained to him that nothing, absolutely nothing had been done in the process other than the papers had arrived in the mail. He got angry with me, I got angry with him, he told me to “go to hell”, I quietly picked up the paperwork and left the house, going to a cafe to have something to eat before the meeting.

I don’t have time to do what’s necessary in the time that’s left to me before I fly out, but I’ll have to get it done somehow.

I was brought to consciousness at 6.15am this morning with the telephone ringing. It was a paramedic informing me that a parishioner had just died. I know the lady who died, and her husband. They come to worship with us from time to time. She woke her husband complaining of pains, he called the ambulance, they tried to resuscitate her, but to no avail. When I arrived at the house to give her what’s popularly called the “last rites”, her body was barely warm. Her husband was deeply distressed. They loved each other very much. As I finished the prayers the police arrived to give permission for the body to be removed. I came back here to call some of the couple’s friends so the could rally around the husband. The diffilculty is that I STILL NEED TO DO A NUMBER OF THINGS BEFORE I GET AROUND TO PACKING FOR MY TRIP – ARE YOU LISTENING, GOD???? I don’t have time for any more interruptions!!!!

I’ll call back to the house later this morning to see how things are going. I’ll point the husband in the right direction as to arranging for a priest to perform the funeral, as I’ll be out of the country when the funeral happens. I’ll offer to celebrate Mass tomorrow evening for the husband and whatever family, friends and parishioners he’d like to have there.

I have much to do – I’m going.

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