As the World Turns

This entry is precisely nothing of importance. I am doing it so I don’t lose my journal.

I’ve been playing World of Warcraft incessantly recently. If you play, I’m on the Bloodhoof server; Horde; undead priest; named Verglas. (Black-ice in French) My guild rocks. They’re all betas… and we have the second highest guild on Bloodhoof, XP-wise, that is.

On another note, my mom is really pregnant and she’s turned into a hormonal mood-swinging bitch. Actually, I guess that’s not new. 🙂 Love ya’ll. I return to school soon, but break has been nice.


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Ah damn you! Not on my server! And priests are very useful, too. Grr….

pregnant while she has a kid in college, ew.

did i see you at best buy or was i imagining that i saw you? hmmm…

hehe, I hoped you wouldn’t be too offended by that comment about your mom’s pregnancy. My dad and his girlfriend had a baby when I was a senior in high school. On top of that, I have two older brothers– one is 10 years older (and my dad thinks there could be others out there who are even older). Sounds like the college life– video games. lol

I’m doing well. Just going through the motions of college, you know how that is. And waiting for my boss to get back so that I can work.

I’m on Icecrown. I’m actually thinking of running a Priest character on a PvP server with some of my friends. Either Priest or Paladin (since my friends play Alliance).

I play Horde on Icecrown. Not really too interested in another Horde character right now but meh, we shall see. All of my friends play on Icecrown, as well, so switching over ain’t gonna happen.

It’s ok, we can be bitter at our parents together. OMG, you have to hear this. My dad’s g/f was trying to comfort me after a fight with my dad (dysfunction right there). She tells me that it was her idea to have a baby before she was 40, AND she was going to do it if my dad wanted it or not AND with or without my DAD! OMFG! I can’t believe she told me that.

My dad also wants me to move back if I go to a college in Berkeley. It’s JFK uni– a graduate school. He tells me he can’t get along with me. He’s just a crappy person. He wanted me to come back when they didn’t have the nanny there because he thought I’d take care of the snotty kids who are in his care. WTF is up with parents not knowing what they want and doing stupid shit?

Yeah, my dad is always like, “Say hello to your brother.” I think he says it now because he wants to get me mad. I give him the same speech. THAT’S NOT MY BROTHER, MEILI ISN’T MY MOM! Meili is his g/f who he thinks he’s common law married to even though California doesn’t recognized common law marriages. Oi, he just sucks. We can be angry together. :0)

Yeah, parents suck. Goddamn, they should take care of the children they have instead of expecting us to take care of their mistakes. I can’t believe she asked you to come home. Guess you’re the new babysitter, right?

I’ve never played world of warcraft. I never got into any MMORPG’s. probably because you have to pay for them. 😉

I can’t put it into words either. I’m just so pissed.

Yeah, it sucks that mothers get screwed. For every mother being screwed, there’s a father and a guardian and a kid being screwed too. AHHHHHH!