
I need to set up a class room for a certain gender to understand another certain gender, some don’t quite get the unsaid things, I’ll get some things into those thick skulls. 

I finished my paper a couple minutes before 3 and a few hours ago I looked at my scores and slightly freaked because I need so many points for a good letter grade in the class and thus I need so many points on the final, the paper, and the extra credit project which is only 13 points possible.  I have it that I have to get at least a 70 on my final so I have to study my ass off to feel comfortable about not having to worry while taking the test which can screw me over, I need to get a 60 on the paper which is worth 80, hopefully I get better than that but I’ll findout, only thing is that it wont be until final time that I find out which means that I’m not sure about what I have to have for the final, and then the extra credit project.  Hopefully I can get what I need.

I have about 7-8 things that I need to do for spanish, 3 of which seem to be late so those have to be finished first and I start my final on wednesday, fun stuff…not.

This is going to be a me weekend meaning, no boyfriend, he needs a friend weekend and I need a school weekend and all weekend I am going to be thinking about him and wishing that spring break will get here faster since I will then get a very slight idea of what things might be like which will be good for me to get now so that I know what I’ll need later on, also means that his house is mine while I am there and I am taking over during that time 😉  Also reminds me that I need a key since I dislike leaving it unlocked when I leave while he is at work…hell, I could just steal his key 😛

Going to go, my feet are starting to feel cold, I need to do something…heheh, got a call, the certain gender has the right idea…for the most part, he called, he gets points for that but then I let him go play a game.

I get Girl Scout cookies this week/weekend, that’s going to be fun shit and not spendy, Robyn and I have been waiting for them to come and they are here now 🙂

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