every half hour is a count down

show went okay.
wish i could get over the whole "embarrassed that people just saw me play and sing" deal, so that i could do more than just give the thumbs up or mumble "thanks" afterwards.
ah well.
with time, i guess.
so, if it seemed like i blew you off after the show, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to. i just get really shy after we play. bashful, perhaps, is a good term.
and if i didn’t seem to blow you off, congratulations, you caught me at a very good moment.

i’ve gotta go.
morning speaks.
and it’s telling me that i’ve gotta be up for work in 4.5 hours.


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May 31, 2005

we play rock and roll and it’s fun. we didn’t play so terrible that anyone closed their eyes and wished they were dead. at least, no one died at the show…literally.

May 31, 2005

AH!!! I knew you guys did a new cover, so today I was all “Timbo, what’d they do!” And he was all “Some Nirvana song” (AND he pronounced it wrong…I know you’re reading this, Timbo, and god damn you) and THEN I read your mail and NOW I’m gonna see if Joe’s around so he can tell me what the hell it was.

May 31, 2005

….Nooooo!!! I missed that?! Damn and three times damn! So Joe tells me he has it on tape. Aw man. Worst day ever. Kidding, it’s actually been a pretty good day, as far as days go.

uhhh i beg your pardon, you also mumbled ‘funky town what’s that’, which was REALLY funny if you ask me… oh and that bit about the back rub hey you were actually spontaneous! shit. too bad you smell.