it was there that i saw you.

work work work.
busy bee!
keeps your mind off of everything you’d probably be thinking about if you weren’t doing menial, repetitive tasks.
and that’s invalauble. i think i’ll send it to mastercard for a commercial.

nice dress shirt = 50 dollars.
daily costs of gas = 6 dollars and 50 cents.
putting to the back of your mind thoughts of crippling lonelines, uncertainty about the future, and paranoia regarding your interpersonal relationships = priceless.


so, in other news, i’m doing a show avec le groupe in a few days. at zaphod’s. you should probably go. it’ll be a rock and roll explosion.


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ilove that, id use that,dont worry ill give you credit

May 25, 2005

I would go…if it were in 3 years.

May 25, 2005

I’ll go. And I’ll bring a mastercard for drinks and a camera to get snapshots of the priceless moments! There will be priceless moments right?

May 25, 2005

Count me out! I have a lot of porn to catch up on! Just kidding. Its not that much, so I should be able to make it. Timbo