New Job

Oh gosh. It has really been a long long time since I last wrote here. I didnt even realise I had not written here since Dec 07!

Well, a few months had gone by but yet nothing interesting is happening in my life. Oh well, the most exciting thing now probably has to be a change in my job. Yup, I’ll be leaving my current company. Official last day is next Fri and I’ll be starting work in my new company the following week. I definitely hope this new job will be one where I can learn and grow, and hopefully I can start within this company for the next 3 to 4 years at least. 

This will be my 3rd job. Full time job that is, after graduation. I stayed in my first job for about a year, then moved on to the current one where I’ve worked for more than one and a half years. If I stayed until August, it would have marked my two year anniversary. 

J is having his last paper today. After that he will start his special term immediately for the next one to two months and then he will graduate with his Masters degree. Finally. I think he must be looking forward to life without studying. His work now is extremely busy and he has been working until 9pm for a few nights the past week. 

We have placed deposits for our Europe trip in Oct. Yup, looking very forward to it but then the tour has not been confirmed yet by the travel agency. If the tour grp is formed, we will be going with his parents and two sisters. His third sis may join in but no confirmation at this moment yet. Oh talking about his third sis, she is getting married this Sat. Her traditional wedding will be held this Sat and her dinner next Fri. Well, this will be my first time being "served tea" by someone during the tea ceremony, hehe. I’ve bought a black dress to wear to her dinner. Thankfully my mother-in-law does not have anything against wearing black to the wedding. 

J and I have been talking about getting a car. But that will have to wait until next year as right now, we have to set aside money for our Europe trip in Oct. We have started doing research on cars and have shortlisted a few models for our consideration. We are wondering if it is necessary for us to go for a refresher course, haha, as it has been a few years since we last drove any car! I’ve never drive any auto car before and I dont think how to cope with one. I know it is easier than driving a manual one but still, well….    

Buying a car is not cheap and the cost will probably be higher and higher. But we think it will be much more convenient for us, especially if we were to have any kid… I dont quite like the idea of being pregnant and having to take travel uncomfortably on public transport, especially when my parents stay so far away from us.

We probably have to relook at our finances and plan prudently so that everything can be taken care of.

Opps, getting late. Going to prepare dinner.

Wednesday, 1940 hrs.


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May 7, 2008

RYN: yup, it’s di gio, same as yours, designer is jesline. Yah, think it’ll be more convenient to have a car when u have a kid….

May 8, 2008

wow! Da Sao eh?

September 22, 2008

haha you sketch such a nice, cosy and homely domestic space. sounds absolutely lovely! 😀