+Feast of Mercy

I’m not much of a one for private revelations.  I can take ’em or leave ’em.  Sure, I say the Fatima prayer in my Rosary, and I’d like to see the shrine of Guadalupe someday… but it’s not that big of a deal.

But the Feast of Divine Mercy?  It works. 🙂  I don’t know how else to say it.

All unwitting, it’s become important to me the last few years.  Maybe because the Pope made it official and all, I don’t know, though it was creeping up on me before that too.

This year I decided to do the Novena to prepare for the Feast.  To be honest, I find the Chaplet very difficult.  Without some sort of structure like the Mysteries of the Rosary, I feel kind of left high and dry;  it’s hard to make it more than series of repetitious words.  But… They start to sink in.  I find myself saying all through my day, "Have mercy on us, and on the whole world."  And I sometimes sing to myself the closing "Holy God" line.  (It’s from the Byzantine Liturgy, I think?  I wonder if St. Faustina had been exposed to it?  Or if Jesus just plain told it to her, without her ever having heard it before?)  And the intentions of the Novena are just spot-on;  hard to see how they could be improved on.

There is a whole lot I want to write about.  But I’m not sure I want to write about it here any more.  The last time I wrote a little about what was going on with respect to prayer, it seems to me that I killed off what was happening.  I found a little peace from getting it off my chest, but I think I was better off before.

Not that things have been dry since then.  Oh, no.  Just different.

I just have so many questions and doubts and desires and fears and joys right now, I sometimes have trouble keeping them all to myself.  I want to talk to someone who can understand it all and tell me if I’m on the right track.  Sometimes I’m afraid I’ve just gotten really good at deceiving myself, but thus far the fruit seems to be good.

Praise God, Fr. Gerald is *finally* back.  (Though his mother is probably dead. 🙁 Please pray for her.)  I’m seeing him tomorrow.  This is one of the longest times I’ve gone without seeing him, and it’s partly my own stupid fault.  So much has happened, I hardly even know where I’ll *start*.  I’ve only got an hour.

Regarding SOLT, things seem to be proceeding apace.  I spoke briefly with the vocation director, for an amusing reason.  (Well, it seems amusing *now*. :P)

I was having so much trouble doing the application on my own that I did it around other people.  Like, I took my laptop to Chris’ place and did it on his kitchen table, because I just couldn’t stick with it in my own home – too many distractions and things to do.  Chris also helped talk me through a couple of the harder questions.  I have to say, some of those questions are so vaguely written it’s hard to even know how to approach them.  Chris thought some of them were really weird too, but his perspective helped me.  (My ‘favorite’ was, ‘Share some thoughts about your view of your masculine sexuality.’  Do most people sit down and develop a ‘view’ of it?  And thoughts about my view, instead of about my sexuality itself? What?  I know I’m very literal-minded, but come on! 🙂

Anyway, I also did some of the questions in Marie’s office.  I finished the application there, and made a copy of it on her office machine.  Here’s the amusing part:

A couple weeks later, Marie hands me a sheet and says, "This apparently got left out of your copy."  I looked at it and suddenly realized it was from the *original*!  Somehow it had escaped when I was stapling the application back together and didn’t get mailed with the rest.

So I called up Fr. Glenn and had to tell him what happened and that I’d be mailing up the missing sheet separately.  Heh.  I shouldn’t have worried.  He hadn’t even had time to look at my application yet, so it was news to him!

Anyway, we talked a little more.  He’s going to call me sometime this week to discuss matters.  And he’s going to be meeting with the guy in charge of lay formation in May, and they’ll discuss my situation.  But he sees no obstacle to my coming for the formation probably in August, and after that’s over, ‘then we’ll look at moving on to the brotherhood and, God willing, the priesthood.’  Needless to say, that was very encouraging – especially since he’s surely already talked to the guys in Chicago?  (I sure hope he has.)

Please keep praying for me.  I’m trying to be neither too positive or too negative, but just seek God’s will.

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Hi Isaiah Paul…I’ve seen you around before…been here to read more than once. This is probably my first note to you (?) I wanted to comment on the Feast of Divine Mercy, if I could. Not be of the Catholic denomination I am not in a position to say a whole lot about it. But when I worked at the convent for the retired sisters here in my neck of the woods (3 years), I loved the program that airedevery morning M-F called “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” and that beautiful song…oh my goodness. I came to know it well & would intentionally make myself available to any sister who was up & watching it & assist her for the next 20 minutes just so I could listen, meditate, & even sing along. On the weekends they changed the tune of the music but the liturgical portion was the same in words. I loved them both! There was this one Asian priest who was on fire for our Lord. I loved to listen to that guy! The sisters rec’d EWTN by cable television making all this possible. And your “prayer”? In the book, “The Way of A Pilgrim”, this pilgrim of the Russian Orthodox faith (19th century) recited “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”…all day long.

(c)…I’ve seen it called “The Jesus Prayer”. I, too, have adopted this prayer with a focus on it’s meaning and precisely what I’m praying so that rote memory doesn’t take the sacred and get lost in the familiararity. Thanks for letting me stop my and leave my comments. I pray that you go where our Father is leading you to go, my brother. If Christ is a reality in your life and reigns overall in your daily affairs, then you shall walk with Him in confidence & be certain He will direct your path in the way He would have you go. “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” ~Numbers 6:24-26~ NIV

May 23, 2007

I’ve read your dairy on and off without commenting. I began the Chaplet during Lent when I caught it on EWTN. The music is what originally sparked my interest. As I read more and the meaning behind it, I felt my heart was telling me to pray. The EWTN web site also has the streaming video on the chaplet if that helps you. God Bless.