leap day ’08

It occurred to me a little late that I completely missed leap day this year. I still am of the opinion that leap day should be some kind of national holiday, but my leap day this year was much less adventurous than the one four years ago, although it was still a kind of interesting day.

It was a Friday, which meant that, as always on Fridays, I had to go to work for the lunch shift. First thing when I get to work, Aldo tells me that I am going to have to do the cash register behind the bar–which will also involve serving beer, wine, and soda. I was just like…. oooohhhkaaayyy… Come to find out, G was in the hospital because he’d had another (minor) heart attack. I couldn’t do mixed drinks because I’d never been trained in that point, so anytime someone needed liquor, Aldo had to come do it. It was a slow day though–there was only one waiter–so it wasn’t too bad.

Ironically enough, after my first shift ever behind the bar, Friday night I had my Bar & Beverage Management class. Class was typical, although instead of doing a wine tasting as per usual, we did a beer tasting. Some relavations as a result of said tasting: raspberry beer tastes not like beer, but like a raspberry wine cooler; I still do not like dark or black stouts and lagers (a la Guinness or one particular “Black Chocolate Stout” made by Brooklyn Brewery); Czech beer is the SHIT; and finally, if you find beer too bitter, try a Blue Moon–it still tastes like beer, but has fruity undertones, and tastes especially good with a wedge of orange.

My teacher for my communications/speech class told me last week that I need a better conclusion than “that’s it.” But if I’ve said all I needed to say, what’s the point of saying it again? In conclusion, that’s it for now. 😛

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