she flies through the air…
…with the greatest of ease…
Miscellaneous updates, in no particular order:
Bahhhh I got home from class today to discover that I no longer had cable. *pout* I’d been mooching free cable off of the line in my room and I guess the company figured it out and turned it off today. Sad face. Unfortunately, I also seem to be having dificulty locating my antenna. This means not only no cable but no tv, period. And the new episode of Project Runway was supposed to be on tonight… and Grey’s Anatomy is tomorrow… *must find antenna* Project Runway’s on cable, so that won’t help me there, but i cannot live without my Grey’s.
I had to waitress at work yesterday. Bah again. I hate waitressing. When I came back a couple weeks ago, my boss had me re-train on barista/grill/counter, so that I could do that. I (mistakenly) thought that would mean no more waitressing. No, it just means now she can make me do anything and everything. Joy. So anyways, I was waitressing, and waiting on this guy who kept flirting with me. So of course I flirt back, duh, because that’s how you get tips, right? Well maybe I flirted a little too much, because then he asked me for my phone number o.O. So what did I do, you ask? Well I did what any good, decent waitress would do….
I gave him my number in hopes that I’d get a bigger tip. 😛 $4 on a $13 check isn’t too bad… it would’ve been better if he’d ordered more… maybe i should’ve kept pushing cappuccinos on him. Ah well. I still haven’t figured out what I’m going to do if he acutally calls though. Apparently he comes into Xando’s regularly, from what he was telling me, so it’s not like I can just avoid him… hmmm… we’ll see.
On monday at cheerleading practice, they put me in the air! Some of you may not realize what a huge deal that is, especially for me. I mean, in the six years that I’ve been cheerleading, I’ve always been a base, because (a) I’m really strong and (b) I’m not tiny enough to go on the top part of the stunt. I mean, I know I’ve been losing weight (although I’m not exactly sure how much), and I *have* been feeling tinier lately (especially when josiah comments on how “little” I am *giggles*) but even when I was 135 in my sophomore year of high school, i never went on the top. It’s just not something that I do. Except, apparently I do it now. It’s exhilirating. I just wish I could do it in something other than a shoulder stand. Oy, I feel so offbalance up there.
I canNOT believe that my baby sister is going to be sixteen in six days. I wrote about my other sister last week, and I’d just like to reiterate… man I’m feeling old. You see this? *points* I think its a gray hair!
Today in my Business class, we heard about this new program on campus called Hopkins Student Enterprises. Basically, you can start your own on-campus business, Hopkins will front the start-up costs, and you manage it on your own. Harvard and Princeton have apparently been doing this for nearly a century, but we just figured it out, *laugh.* I would love to have my own business, since it’s kind of what I aspire to anyway, but my problems are (a) what kind of buisness could I start that people would actually want and use? and (b) What do I actually know about starting a business? (answer: absolutely nothing). Honestly, I feel like, if somebody else started a business and just gave me the reins and said “go manage it,” I’d be fine… but starting it myself? eeeppp. I actually do have at least two ideas (one of which I ripped off from a friend of mine who mentioned the idea almost two years ago, before it was even possible to implement such a thing, but that’s how business works, isn’t it? *wicked grin*) But things like startup costs and projected profits, and advertising, and finding potential customers completely are beyond me at this point. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with writing the two-page business proposal required to even get HSE to approve the cost of startup. On the other hand, if I could do something like that, it would go a long way towards making my resume look oh-so-much better for when I (finally) graduate, whenever that may be.
…the daring young girl on the flying trapeze…
and now for a breifly cryptic note that will not be explained:
this isn’t going to turn out the way i hoped for, is it? i mean, i knew but i’m always in denial about those sorts of things. why can’t i just get what I want??