there’s a cat on my keyboard.

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been a bit absent the past few days. That’s because one of my best friends, Laurren, came down to Baltimore to visit me for the weekend, so we were out and about on the town. I have pictures from the Inner Harbor and the aquarium that I’ll be posting later… if I can remind myself to do it. But my parents came down today and brought us back to Pennsylvania. I’ll be here for a few days, and then Wednesday morning (early. like way early.) We’ll be leaving for the airport to go to DISNEYWORLD. w00t! I’ve never been 🙂 I’m very excited in a 5 year old omigosh omigosh MICKEY MOUSE!!! sorta way.

Anywho, apparently since I don’t live here anymore, the kittens have taken over my bedroom. Its the hip hang out for cool cats, doncha know. It doesn’t even seem to phase them that I’m sitting right here. I’m just another piece of furniture for them to crawl on/paw at/ ATTACK Little bitches. So yes, as I began to write this entry, Kali decided she’d like to sit upon my keyboard. It was so cute, I couldn’t bear to toss her off. And now she and Mitzi are wrestling next to the bed. Errrr… now Mitzi is crawling underneath my bedspread. Weirdos. Kali’s go this weird fascination with the clicking sound of the keyboard keys. They also think the power cord is some sort of string-toy. Heh.

I’ve also got my new swimsuit now… I’ll take pics and post them tomorrow probably.

This evening I discovered why it is valuable to be familiar with more than one route from point A to point B. I was driving home from Pottstown after visting Eric (whole other story.. don’t ask), and I get like 10 minutes from home, and all of a sudden, 663 is blocked off!!! I was just like !!!!!!! because they pointed me around it but I was all like “I have no effing clue where I’m going!!!” So then I turned around and went back to the blockage, and asked the guy, and then had to turn around again. So I went part of the way he told me, and then there was ANOTHER blockage on the left. Only THOSE guys didn’t tell me where to go. So of the options of go straight or go right, I went right.

But that didn’t seem right either, because I seemed to remember the other guy saying “just keep going left” So I turned around again. And I came upon a weird intersection that had two left turns, and I accidentally made the wrong left turn, so I had to turn around again. Then I get back to the blockage again, and this time the guys direct me to the right (which would have been straight had I gone that way to begin with).

Except I STILL didn’t know where I was going, and by this time I was like hyperventilating because my gas tank was just barely above E, and not only did I not know where the EFF I was going, I had no EFFING clue where the nearest gas station was, and the last thing I wanted to do was get stuck in the middle of No-Fucking-Where, in a thunderstorm (it had rained earlier, and I could see flashes of lightening on the horizon–I’d be not at all surprise if lightening was somehow the cause of the blockage) in the DARK.

So I turned around again. And got back to the intersection. And stopped and asked the guy. Who instructed me to turn around yet AGAIN. Fuckin A. Although it wasn’t entirely a waste–I had missed one of the turns I needed up that way. So I finally got set to right, and just as the fellow told me, Coldflesh Lane did take me straight back to 663. Sigh. But had I more than a rudimetary knowledge of semi-rural Pennsylvania geography, I would have KNOWN that. Ah well. Now I know. Heh.

Erm… I think that’s all for now… I’m spending the day in Philly tomorrow, then a little shopping on tuesday since I need stuff to wear for Florida, so other than posting pics, I probably won’t be around until I get back from FL next Sunday. Don’t miss me too much 😛

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July 9, 2006

Imma miss you like crazy!!! But there will be underlying excitement because that means its all the closer for you to come to the dub!!! ahhhh…. sorry about your effin time… but hey, you made it 🙂 and can’t wait for bathing suit pictures!!! <

L *
July 9, 2006

i like your rose in the background. very cute <3

July 9, 2006

i know [L *] haha. yeah well i just wanted to say that i love your diary layout its cute

July 9, 2006

i hate that too not knowing exactly where to go while driving.. have fun at disneyworld! .. i’ve been to disneyland many times and its fun but i would like to go to disneyworld too one day

July 9, 2006

🙂 welcome back lol

July 10, 2006

Have a great trip my love… take lots and lots of pictures!!!! xoxo

July 10, 2006

I miss the Inner Harbor. It’s so… um. nice. It’s early, I can’t think of descriptive words. YAY for Disney World!!! My picture is in Epcot!!!!!

July 10, 2006

omg when I first moved here I went to downtown Denver by myself and got totally lost. I ended up in the ghetto and was like holy shit where the f am I lol it was scary