the one sentence entry

Is it just me? Am I the only person who can’t seem to grasp the concept of the one-sentence entry? My friends that use LJ or xanga write them all the time. I guess its easier, when everything’s all on one page to justify writing a single sentence (or two) and calling it an entry. Me personally, I can’t justify writing one sentence and calling it an entry. I guess because in this format, each entry is its own page, it seems… i don’t know… whorish? to write a single sentence for just one page. Unless there’s actually something to be said in that one sentence. And even so, I usually come back to update it a million times so that it can actually be a “real” entry. Even this entry is almost too short for me.

Anywho, more answers coming soon, sorry for the delay.

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June 17, 2006

i hate doing it but i only do when i know i need to write but i don’t have the time at that minute or whatever lol most of the time its like “hey guys i’ll be back on here later to write with pictures” or something lol i’m a dork

I only do it when Im drunk and forget what Im doing. Miss talking to you. Do you have a Myspace.

June 17, 2006

Heh, I occasionally do it… … But I try not to!

I don’t usually write one paragraph entries, let alone one sentence entries, hehe.

June 17, 2006

The only thing I see worth a one sentence entry is when that one sentence is all that needs to be said. When anything else is just extra. For example; saying a friend was injured or someone died. For things like that, not much else needs to be said. Robert

June 18, 2006

I’ve been known to write a sentence or two entry on occasion, but it’s usually something deep and meaningful like . . . “I want to kick my mother-in-law” or “The magnetic ribbons on cars and the rubber bracelets really need to stop.” . . . see, meaningful 🙂

June 19, 2006

I totally agree!