stereotype this
stolen from [one.less.reason]
The rules: Below is a list of common stereotypes. If the first part of the sentence applies to you, bold, italicize, or otherwise mark it. Notice how often the second half of the sentence is completely bogus? If the stereotypes for you aren’t true, then how many of these are? Think about it. everything that (theoretically) applies to me is in red bold letters
I’m skinny, so I must be bulimic.
I’m emo, so I must cut my wrists.
I’m black, so I must be on welfare.
I’m Hispanic, so I must be dirty.
I’m Asian, so I must be smart.
I’m not like everyone else, so I must be a fag.
I’m Jewish, so I must be greedy.
I’m gay, so I must have AIDS.
I’m a lesbian, so I must live in San Francisco.
I’m Arab, so I must be a terrorist.
I’m a single mom, so I must be a slut.
I’m old, so I probably can’t drive.
I’m quiet, so I must be a bitch.
I’m overweight, so I most likely have a problem with self control.
I’m religious, so I must shove my beliefs down your throat.
I’m an atheist, so there must be something wrong with me.
I’m republican, so I must not care about poor people.
I’m democrat, so I must not believe in being responsible.
I’m from the south, so I must be white trash.
I take anti-depressants, so I must be crazy.
I’m a man, so I only want to get into your pants.
I’m a woman, so I must think irrationally.
I’m Irish, so I must have a bad drinking problem.
I’m Indian, so I must own a 7-11.
I’m Native American, so I must be an alcoholic.
I don’t live with my child, so I must be a dead beat dad.
I’m athletic, so I must be stupid.
I’m a prep, so I must eat and breathe Abercrombie and Fitch and Hollister.
I’m a teenager, so I must drink and do drugs.
I drink, so something must be wrong.
I’m a cheerleader, so I must be a whore.
I’m a punk, so I must do drugs.
I’m young, so I must be naive.
I’m rich, so I must be a conceited snob.
I wear black, so I must be gothic.
I’m blonde, so anything that comes out my mouth shouldn’t matter because I’m just a stupid ditz.
Im white, so I must be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend
I’m Cuban, so I must be a good swimmer.
I’m Mexican, so I must have crossed the border.
I’m not a virgin , so I must be easy.
I don’t like chicken, so I must not be black.
I fell in love with a married man, so I must be a home wrecking whore.
I’m a teenage mom, so I must be an irresponsible slut.
I’m Italian, so I must have a big nose.
My parents bought me a car, so I must be a spoiled brat.
I have straight A’s, so I must be a boring person.
I’m really into my music, so I must be scene.
I like black boys, so I must be a fat blonde whore.
I dye my hair crazy colors, so I must be irresponsible.
I’m into theatre and art, so I must be a homosexual.
I’m a vegetarian, so I must be a crazy political activist.
I’m lonely, so I must just be looking to you for attention.
I get along mostly with guys, so I must be fucking them all.
Im a virgin so I must not know how to have fun.
I’m Muslim and I don’t like cooperate America, I must be a terrorist.
The next time one of these even crosses your mind–and yes we all do it, conciously or no–remember what that person could be thinking about you.
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