ok fine

ok i know that previous entry didn’t really count as an entry so here’s a real one. so what should i talk about… hmm lets talk about how i’m gonna have to retake like all of my classes next semester b/c i just failed them all… ok maybe not all of them, but def calc, and most likely physics as well.. taking the classes over again isn’t what bothers me tho–i know i don’t understand the material, and i guess its taking me a little longer than i expected to “adjust” to the whole college thing… what bothers me is that my parents–my family– have such high expectations for me… i don’t want to let them down… i don’t want them to look at me as a failure.. i don’t want my dad to get pissed off and lecture me… i don’t need a lecture, i just need somebody to understand that i’m having problems, and i’m dealing with them… what *really* is bothering me is that i think my parents are going to try to blame my grades on my partying… but its not like i go out every weekend… and i *do* study, and do work… i wish i could just erase this semester (grades-wise) and start from scratch…


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December 13, 2004

I’m complaining…u know why? why not. at least ur courses are pass-fail. granted it’s jhu and all, but u get *so* much more slack w/ them being pass/fail. everybody else has to worry about grades…not that i’m one to panic or nething, but this semester counts for me and i am *required* to have a 3.6 to even have the privelege of filling out my vet school app…yeah, i’m excited :-

December 14, 2004

i feel for ya dearie. It took me forever to finally get almost used to this college thing. And I’m finally almost being social. I had the advantage of having pretty much just piece of cake classes. Well that and when ones issue is that one makes oneself a social outcast one really has nothing better to do than hw…but *sigh* its fine dearie, you know how to deal with it. thus! all good

I will at this point in time remain anonymous. All I have to say is you are harder on, and expect more of yourself than anyone else ever has, but our (Family/Friends) expetations of you were fostered by you. There isn’t a child born that the parents don’t say “Jane/John is going to be a doctor, lawyer, …ect when she/he grows up.”, but as that child grows and developes into their own person…

the view changes and different expectations form. Some children grow up to be common laborors or even just “Domestic Engineers” while others are looking for the “Nobel Prize” in whatever¿ So with all of that being said – Those of us who know you and Love you as only some of us can, support you wholeheartedly and as long as you are seeking help for your problem classes we will continue to expect…

whatever you show us you are capable of!! Dang 400 Character Limit!!