winter break!!

dude, i am sooooo excited to be coming home in like 5 days 😀 😀 i think my friend seth put it best when he said in his xanga:
“So it wont be long before i can go home. i never thought i would be so ready to just get away from here. Dont get me wrong, i love johns hopkins, like really, i am so glad i came here, but like any school, its gets stressful, and you just want to go back to the people who knew you before you had to start to grow up (not that i have started growing up, which is one of my problems). It will be nice going back to the ghetto, and seeing my reasons for comming here haha, and hanging with my friends, and letting them see how i have changed, and seeing how they have changed, and still finding out that not matter how much we change we are always goign to be friends.”
that is all 🙂


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