horny bitches and drunks…

hahaha… lets just say i had lots of interesting conversations today… lets recap, shall we?

carlinifediccini (1:37:17 PM): alex is coming here on the 20th

rahrah 24seven (1:37:24 PM): thats cool

carlinifediccini (1:37:29 PM): yea

carlinifediccini (1:37:40 PM): i don’t know what the heck we’re going to do as
theres nothing to do here

carlinifediccini (1:37:42 PM): but…

carlinifediccini (1:37:45 PM): yea

rahrah 24seven (1:37:56 PM): *eyebrow*

rahrah 24seven (1:38:27 PM): well i know that when ppl here have their significant others visit,
theres lotsa things they like to do *wink*wink* ๐Ÿ˜‰

carlinifediccini (1:38:32 PM): due

carlinifediccini (1:38:33 PM): dude

carlinifediccini (1:38:50 PM): that is true cept we’re talkin bout me

rahrah 24seven (1:38:59 PM): right… how very true

carlinifediccini (1:39:22 PM): and besides i’d have to get rid of rachael somehow

rahrah 24seven (1:39:29 PM): lol

rahrah 24seven (1:39:59 PM): thats true

rahrah 24seven (1:40:47 PM): and while *get lost so i can screw my b/f* works quite effectively
here, i’m not sure that it’d go over too well there ๐Ÿ˜›

carlinifediccini (1:40:57 PM): hmmm

carlinifediccini (1:41:01 PM): lol

carlinifediccini (1:41:04 PM): oh my

rahrah 24seven (1:41:05 PM): lol

carlinifediccini (1:41:09 PM): thats disturbing

rahrah 24seven (1:41:15 PM): yea well

carlinifediccini (1:41:52 PM): i’d put it in my info

rahrah 24seven (1:41:59 PM): although kate’s roommate doesn’t even kick her out… her and her
b/f just start goin at it, and kate kicks herself out

carlinifediccini (1:41:59 PM): cepting that ppls who should not see such things

carlinifediccini (1:42:02 PM): see my info now

rahrah 24seven (1:42:08 PM): aww how sad

carlinifediccini (1:42:19 PM): oh geez

carlinifediccini (1:42:25 PM): thats not cool

rahrah 24seven (1:42:49 PM): yea well… i think kate talked to her roomie about it, and its all
better now

carlinifediccini (1:43:11 PM): well thats good

carlinifediccini (1:43:16 PM): however for next year

carlinifediccini (1:43:23 PM): i reccomend you not do the same

rahrah 24seven (1:43:29 PM): i shan’t

carlinifediccini (1:43:37 PM): good good

rahrah 24seven (1:44:08 PM): i’m still a good girl O:-)

rahrah 24seven (1:44:12 PM): barely ๐Ÿ˜›

carlinifediccini (1:44:14 PM): *still*

carlinifediccini (1:44:18 PM): barely….

carlinifediccini (1:44:23 PM): *sigh*

rahrah 24seven (1:44:29 PM): ๐Ÿ˜€

carlinifediccini (1:44:43 PM): ok thats goin in the info




rahrah 24seven (10:32:15 PM): raunchy sex talk?


Auto response from horsehugger1: avoiding carlini’s raunchy sex talk and doing my bio
hw like a good child O:-)

ย“horsehugger1ย” is back at the computer as of 10:32:48 PM.


horsehugger1 (10:32:49 PM): omg, yes, it was disgusting

rahrah 24seven (10:32:54 PM): lol

rahrah 24seven (10:32:55 PM): do tell

horsehugger1 (10:32:56 PM): i was like o

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November 12, 2004

omg i love you guys, oh and the story w/ me and JM is so skewed, and you all best in reality watch out for yoursleves please

November 12, 2004

ok, i’ve already cleared my name, so it’s all good…jt has thing on her mind that i don’t even *wanna* think about and so she twists things…not good: rahrah 24seven: i’m only drunk 2 nights rahrah 24seven: and i try to limit my raunchy sex to once a week yeah, don’t *even* wanna know…this is why i commute ๐Ÿ˜€

November 12, 2004

whoa i just got really confused reading that last note being as *i didn’t leave it* loser JM get ur own name