why? why? why?

why are people so f*ing close-minded?

what is wrong with two men or two women getting married? blahblah sanctity of marriage blahblah… but will it really hurt you personally? why can’t people be allowed to love and marry whoever they want? why can’t they be afforded the same rights as the rest of us who marry people of the opposite sex? homosexuality is *not* a choice.. it is *not* a disease or a curse from God… it is something you are born with, something you cannot control, much like hair or eye color– sure you can wear colored contacts or dye your hair, but it doesn’t change what lies underneath… sure a gay man can marry a woman, but that doesn’t stop him from being gay… and in fact its just dishonest and decietful… you are not just saying that the gay population can’t marry people of the same sex, you are saying that they can’t be married at all… because what marriage based on deciet would actually last? as it is we have an alarming divorce and adultury rate in this country… and thats among heterosexual couples!! sanctity of marriage my ass…

why should i be governed on the basis of your religious beliefs? you believe that an embryo/fetus is a human from the moment of conception. I do not. why should i be labeled a murderer if i have an abortion? i do not believe that i am killing any person. your moral beliefs should not rule my life. you cannot tell me what to do with my body and any parasites (and i choose that word carefully) that may be living inside of it. you say that i could avoid becoming pregnant by not having sex. this is true. but sex is one of the most natural things in the world… you cannot deny nature. you (if you believe in birth control, which you might not if you are catholic) might tell me there are other methods by which i might prevent myself from becoming pregnant… yes, but accidents do happen– so then you tell me that i should be prepared to accept the consequences of my actions. i do.. and the way i choose to deal with such consequenses should be up to ME not you, not the government, not the world… you say i could put the child in social services if i do not want to keep it, or cannot keep it… have you ever been in social services? have you ever adopted a child? do you take in foster children? until you can answer yes to any of these questions don’t talk to me about the f*ing social services system… those children suffer so much heartache… i believe that it is our moral duty to make sure that children do not have to go through such a system… but if you are so f*ing moral, why don’t you help these poor children? i am not yet of an age where i can adopt or become a foster mother, nor am i in a position financially to do so, as i am a student… but what about you? if i do not have an abortion, will you adopt my child?

why do you forbid us from doing potentially life-saving research with embryonic stem cells? even if i concede to you that an embryo is a human life that should not be killed, there are hundreds upon hundreds of embryos frozen in fertility clinics. they will never grow to become fetuses or children because their parents no longer have need of them for one reason or another. if these embryos are not implanted into a uterus, they will need to be discarded… discarded– now *thats* an interesting term… isn’t that synonymous with killing by your definition of a human life? would it not serve the “life” of the embryo more honorably, to use it to find cures to diseases? would it not, at least, then seem to serve a purpose for existing?

and why, oh God, WHY did we reelect a man who epitomizes all of these “values”?

peace, (or war?)

PS: i’d love to have a discussion about these things, but no personal attacks, pleez 🙂

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“Voters in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon and Utah all approved anti-same-sex marriage amendments by double-digit margins.” “The constitutional amendments contain additional language that opponents said could also ban civil unions and other legal protections for gay and lesbian people” –cnn.com Scary or what??

November 3, 2004

I wish more people felt the way that you do. Being homosexual myself I could tell everyone most definietly that it is NOT a choice. Who would chose this?

November 3, 2004

You ever notice how they talk extol the virtue of the family, while simultaneously making sure that no gay person can have a legal family?

Dude, I soo agree w/ you but that is cuz I am that way or whatever. But I have tried not to be and to be “normal” but I cant, It’s like I always end up right back where I started. I know if my family found out they would kill me and I know I would lose all my friends besides one and that is because he knows and he has supported me. I just wish I could shut my eyes and we could all get along but..

I doubt we ever will. It’s like everyone has to have something against another. I’ll never understand. I dont even know who I am anymore and no matter what I do everyone always finds something wrong with me or something to critize me about. Anywayz, Nice diary. And note me back if you want.. Laterz!

November 3, 2004

rock on!

November 6, 2004

I am a HUGE advocate for gay marriage. They’re saying they will put the “dignity” back in marriage. Do shows like “I want to Marry a Millionaire” and “Married by America” show the dignity in marriage? He’s going to set back the gay rights movement 50 years.