
hahaha if there was any doubt that cnn puts a liberal/democratic slant on things, they are the only television station not calling ohio until the provisional votes are counted … i know theres a lot of them out there, (upwards of 200,000) but in order for kerry to win, they would all have to be legitimate, and they’d have to be almost unanimously for kerry… :- if kerry even does win, by some miracle, no republican would accept his legitimacy… i almost hope that bush would just take all of the remaining states, so that there would be no doubt that he’s the winner…. but even if he takes iowa and new mexico, ohio is still *the* deciding factor *sigh* i just want the election to be over… dave rationalized it for me that another bush term wouldn’t be too horrible, and then in 2008 we can get a democratic candidate that we actually believe in… he said that if kerry would win, he’d be a horrible president and then the republicans would win in 2008… he’s prolly right… haha, can you believe that liberal democratic me is actually half-hoping kerry loses?


PS… but the redskins lost! isn’t the incumbent prez supposed to lose when the redskins do? *sigh*

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November 3, 2004

neither CBS or ABC have declared ohio yet (11:02)