well i voted fully two weeks ago… hooray for absentee ballots… boo for not being able to go into those cute lil booths *shrugs* oh well… i’ve done my civic duty– and since i’m from PA, i feel like my vote actually makes a difference… there are so many of my friends that are from either strongly democrat or strongly republican states, so they’re like “yea i voted– not like it makes a difference though” oh what i wouldn’t give to be at home right now… athough its prolly *much* more exciting in ohio and florida, b/c PA is at least leaning towards kerry right now … i don’t trust florida as far as i can throw it though… especially not with that jeb guy as thier governor… we just gotta pray for ohio, and some of the states that have less electoral votes like iowa and new mexico and such… me and my friends colored maps with who we think is gonna win each state (not who we want to win)… but most of us have kerry winning i think… although its a rather small margin… :- anyway, i’m off to do more of my civic duty and pass out kerry stickers and such in the breezeway 🙂 then later i get to walk ppl to their polling places (for the ppl that registered here) … MD is goin kerry tho, so its not really that exciting *sigh*… the campus republicans aren’t even campaigning at all! i wonder if that shows what they really think of their candidate?


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i’m so excited to find out the results… hopefully it wont be another 2000 scandal!

November 2, 2004

atta girl! us bitches gotta vote or die…

November 2, 2004

look: if you click on the “Pick ’em” tab thing it colors the map instantly and adds the electoral votes for you…i’m watchin results and its not looking good in fl, and oh, tho 🙁