the book…

you know, the one i ordered like a week and a half ago? “he’s just not that into you: the no-excuses truth to understanding guys”… well lets just say that i wish i’d found this book like 10 months ago… granted, a book may be fallible, but i’ve finished the book, and from what i can tell, despite what ryan may have *said* to me (along the lines of i love u, i miss u, i can’t stand to be without u.. yadda yadda..) his actions were very loud and clear, and he really didn’t mean it… after reading this book, i’ve determined that the circumstances that we’re teenagers and the book is geared towards ppl in their 20’s, 30’s and older, shouldn’t make *that* much of difference… if he really loved me and respected my feelings he would have called me when i asked him too… and he wouldn’t have been so quick to let me out of his life… i also know that i will eventually find someone that cares for me enough to do those things for me, and i’m also not in any rush right now… i’m young! i should enjoy life! so i will! and i’m not ever again going to wait around for a guy to call… if he doesn’t think i’m good enough for him to waste his time on a phone call, then i’ll find someone who does… i feel empowered muahahaha…


PS: i think this book is one that *everyone* (men and women alike) should read… the title is above.. the authors are greg behrendt and liz tuccillo…. its on amazon… go get it ppl

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