still up

it is 1:15 in the morning, and i’ve gotten a grand total of 9 hours of sleep in the past two days… so why am i still up do you ask? especially when i have a 9am class tomorrow? well its b/c my group for models for life has a project proposal due by noon tomorrow, and *of course* i managed to get into a group of (mostly) procrastinators like myself who haven’t even *thought* of what we’re doing for this project, let alone write up a 1-page project proposal for it… oh fun fun… so i’m on medication, half asleep in my chair, while i talk to two of my group members online so we can try and do this thing… *sigh* tis much fun… hark! oh good! we have an idea!… and one of them has volunteered to write the proposal! yey… without further ado, to sleep w/ me now…


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