not enough time

keep in mind, as i write this, that it is currently 9:53 PM on thursday night… i have a 3-page research paper due tomorrow for my senior project, which is required for graduation, and i have yet to start it. however, that is not what the title of this entry refers to…

i am referring to the fact that there isn’t enough time for life. i am graduating in less than a month! omg… after which there was *supposed* to be a summer filled with as many activities spent with friends as possible before we all leave for college (and/or leave people behind *coughjmalexryancoughcough*) unfortunately it doesnt appear that any of us will all be around at the same time… i was looking through ryan’s planner the other day… we are home at the same times for maybe two weeks out of the whole summer… and its not 14 straight days.. its like 2 days here, a day there… another day there… ack… i just wonder what everyone elses schedules look like? we’re all so busy that it seems like we don’t have time to enjoy life… yes i’m sure alex and ryan will have fun in italy… i will have fun in puerto rico… me and ren will have fun in WV… everyone else will have fun doing whatever else… but it will be apart-fun… not together-fun… and i *know* that if our relationships and friendships were meant to last, they will, but i can’t help this incessant fear that each of us is going to make new friends and move along on our own little tracks and not necessarily fall out of touch with each other, but lose touch with each other, just because the things we’re doing take us in different directions… you might think how much does an engineer have in common with a music businessperson, or a librarian/elementary teacher.?.. you might wonder how much will a student in collegestill have in common with their high school friends?… especially when they don’t get to spend as much time together anymore, or when they hardly had any time together when they actually *were* still close in proximity and such things were possible on a regular basis… and i’m starting to confuse myself because i’m trying to speak both specifically and abstractly at the same time… but i suppose that’s partly because there isn’t enough of it…

“you’ve only got 100 years to live”
~Five for Fighting

“Suppose that people lived forever…”
~Einstein’s Dreams

ok… so here’s my life agenda from this point on:
get a bachelor’s degree in 4 years. get a job in my field while working on my masters. get married. have 3 kids. let kids get old enough for school. finish getting doctorate. continue career, teaching college courses in my spare time, (while also making sure that i am still at home when my kids leave in the morning, and am home at night to help them do thier homework, and be able to go to all of their extracirricular activities). Retire no later than age 60. then do all the stuff i wanted to do when i was younger (water skiing, scuba diving, bungee jumping, etc.) but never had time/money for. get old. die.

10:42!! *gasp* =O lol

night all!




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